Embroidery turns your quilt into something special.
Combine traditional quilt patterns with embroidered details for truly unique results.
All embroidery designs and decorative stitches shown are included in the repertoire of the PFAFF® creative™ 4.0 sewing and embroidery machine. The instructions for this beautiful quilt can be found at www.pfaff.com
Included with purchase!
Embroider monograms, words or entire sentences – all with perfect results. The creative 4D™ QuickFont so ware is included with the purchase of your PFAFF® creative™ 4.0 sewing and embroidery machine. Use it to turn TrueType fonts from your computer into
embroidered text. Also included is the creative 4D™ Organizer which lets you organize
your design fi les on your computer, save designs as image fi les, print design catalogues and more.