TR OU BLE | SH OO TIN G | •R epeatth e limitand forcesetting in section13 &14. |
1. The ope ner wilnot ope rate from eitherthe | Rep eatsafety reve rsetestafteradjustments. | |
A CTIVATI | ON button or thetransmitters: | 9. The ope ner strainsto ope rate door: |
•Do es theopenerha ve electricpower? Plug a lampinto•Th e doormay be outofbalance orthespringsmay
the outlet.Ifitdoesnotw ork,ch eck thefusebox. | be broken. Close th e doorand use themanual |
| release to disconnectth e door.O pen and close the |
•Ha ve you disabled alldoorlocks? Revi ew installation | |
instructionw arnings on page 1. | doormanuallyA. properly balanced doorwillstayin |
•Isthere a | any pointoftravel wh ilebeing supportedentirelyby |
doormay be frozentothe g round. Remove any | itspring s. Ifitdoes not, disconnecttheopenerand |
restriction. | calla trained doorsystemstech nician. |
•Th e g arage doorspringmay be broken.H ave it | 1 0 . The ope ner motor hums briefly,then willnot |
replaced. | work: |
2. Opene r ope ratesfrom thetransmitter,butnot | •C he ck thatth e dooris notin manualrelease mode |
from thewired wa llcon trol(optional acc essory): | (refersection 8) . |
•Isthe wallcontrollit?Ifnot,reve rsethe twow iresIf. •Th e ga rag e doorspring s may be brokenSee. above.
theopenerruns,che ck fora faultywireconnectionat •Ifthe | problem occurson the | firstoperatiofthen | ||||||||||||||
thewallcontrol, a shortunderthe staples,ora broken | opener,doormay be locked. Disableany doorlocks. | |||||||||||||||
wire. |
| 11. The opene | r willnot ope ratedue to power | ||||||||||
•A rethe w iring connectionscorrect?Refe rtowiredwall | failure: |
| |||||||
controlinstructions. |
| •U se the | manualrelease h andleto disconnectthe | |||||||||||
3 . The do or ope rates from | the ACTIVATION | button | door.Th | e doorcan be opened and closed manually. | ||||||||||||
| or wired wa llcont rol, butnot from thewireless | When | powe ris restored, | theopener(refer | ||||||||||||
| wa llcont rol or transmitter: |
| section 8 ). |
| ||||
•Ifthe wired w allcontrolis installed and itisflashing, | •Ifa Standby P owe rU nitisconnected,theopener | |||||||||||||||
ensure the lock featureisoff. |
| sh ouldbe ableto operate up to2 0 timesw ithout | |||||||||||||
•P rog ram the openertomatchthetransmittercode. | power. |
| ||||||
(Re fertosection 19) | . Rep eatwithalltransmitters. | 12 . Seting thelimits manua | lly: |
| ||||||||||
4. The transmitter has short range: |
| a. C he ck th atth e openeris h anded correct(refer | ||||||||||||||
•Ch | ang e the locationofthe transmitterinyourcar. | sections 1 1 | and 13 | ). |
| |||||||
•Ch | eck tobe surethe antenna onthebottomofthe | b. P ressand ho ldth e LMT | button untiltheorange | |||||||||||||
openerextendsfully downw ard. |
| indicatorlightstarts flash ing | slowly thenrelease. | |||||||||||||
•S ome installationsmayhave shorterange due toa | c. Pressth e LMT | buton to move the doorUP | orthe | |||||||||||||
metaldoor,foilbacked insulation, ormetalgarage | LRN | button to move th e doorD OW | N | untilthedoor | ||||||||||||
siding. |
| reach es th e desired UP | limit.E nsuringthere is | ||||||||||
5. The ga rage door | opens | and | c loses by itself: | enoug h | clearance foryourve h icle. |
| ||||||||
•B e sure thatalltransmitterpush buttonsareoff. | d. P ressth e A CTI VA TIO N | button. This setstheUP limit | ||||||||||||||
•Ifthe wired w allcontrol(optionalaccessory)is | and beg ins closing | th e door.Immediately press | ||||||||||||||
installed,remove the bellwirefrom thew iredw all | eith erth e LRN | orth e LM | T button. The | doorw illstop. | ||||||||||||
controlterminals and operatefromthe A C TIVATIO N | Ad justh e desired DO WN | limitusing |
| the LMT | and the | |||||||||||
buttonortransmitter. Ifthissolves theproblem,the | LRN | buttons. Ch | eck to be sureth e doorisfully | |||||||||||||
wired wallcontrolisfaulty(replace), orthere is an | closedw itho utapplying excessivepressuretothe | |||||||||||||||
intermittshenortonthe wire between thewiredw all | doorcurtain. P ressth e A CTI VA TIO N |
| buttonThis. sets | |||||||||||||
controland the opener. |
| the DO | WN | limitand beg ins opening | thedoorNOTE:. | |||||||||
•Clearmemoryand reprogram- | allwirelesswall | Ifneith erth e LM T | orthe | LRN | buton ispressed,the | |||||||||||
controls and transmitters. |
| doorw illreve rseoffth e floorand th e DOWN | travel |
6. | The door | reversesand | stops before opening | limitw illbe setautomatically. |
| |
| c omplet ely: |
| e. O penand close th e doorw ith the ACTIVA | TION | |
•Issomething obstructing | thedoor? Isitoutofbalance, | button, transmitterorw allcontrol2 or3 times. | ||||
| orarethespring s broken? | R emove theobstructionor •Ifthe doordoes notstop inthe desiredUP | limitor | |||
| repairthedoor. |
| reversesbeforeth e doorstops atthe D OW | N limit, | |
7. | The door | reversesfor no | a pparent reason and | proceed to S etting th e Fo rce (refersection14). |
ope ner lights blinkfor 5 seconds | afterreversing: •Ifth e doorstilldoes notstop atth e desired limitis | |
•Ch eck the P rotectorSystem (IR B eams),if | someth ing obstructing th e door? D isengage the | |
TM |
installed.C orectalignmentifthe red lightonthebeam | opener.Op en and close the doormanually.Ifitis | |
issolid. |
| unbalanced orbinding , calla trained doorsystems |
8. The door opens butwillnot c lose or reverses | technician. | |
while closing: |
| •Ifthe doorstops atboth the desiredUP and DOWN |
•Issomething obstructingthedoor? | Pullthemanual | limits, proceed toS etting the Fo rce. |
release han dle. Op eratethe doormanually. Ifitis unbalanced orbinding, calla trained doorsystems tech nician.
•Clearany iceorsnow fromthe ga rage floorareaw here the doorcloses.