Chamberlain MR650, MR850 manual LIM Ited W

Page 19











erlinP rofessional








Ro llerD oo r Op ener








Ch amber

lainAustralia PtyLim ited

/ Ch am

b erlain N ew


L imited (Seller) war rants to the o riginal



o fthe Cha

mber lainMe rlinMR8




Ro llerD oo

r Op ener (Unit) thatitisfree from d efectsin

material an d/ or wo rkm ans hip for a

p eriod

o f2



thed ate o ffirstpurchase


the Seler.The






m otor (only) has

a 5

year warran tyfrom



of firstp urchase from

the seller when installed

on a

domesti c d o or.








Please retainyourproof-of-purchase inthe unlikely eve nt yourequire warrantyservice.

If,during the limited wa rrantyperiod,theU nitfailsdue to defectsin materialsorworkmanshipC hamberlainw ill, provided the defectivepartorUnitisreturned freight and insuranceprepaidand we llpackaged to the nearest Chamberlainofficeorauthorisedinstaller, undertaketo repairor,atits option, replace any defective partorUnitand returnito the B uyeratnocostRe. pairsand replacement parts arewarrantedforthe remainingportionofthe orginal warrantyperiod.

Limitedwa rranty onopener Chamberlainwillfurnisha replacementopenerfreeof

charge, ifitisfound tobe defectiveLabourcostsmayapply.. Where theUn itha s been installedby an authorised installer, Chamberlainwillfurnishreplacementpartsfreeofcharge through the authorised installerA. servicefee foron-site service may apply.


During thewa rrantyperiod, iftheproductappearsas though itmaybe defective, callourtollfre service beforeremoval oftheunitA.Ch amberlaintechnicianw illdiagnosethe problem and promptlysupplyyouwiththe parts for“do-it- yourself”repairs,orprovide youwithshipping instructionsfor

afactorepairorreplacementy.Ifan authorised installer installed yourUnityou mustcallthem forprompton-site service.

Ifourservicecentredeterminesthata w arranty claim h as been made inrespectofa failure ordefectarisingoutofany exclusiondetailed below,we maycharg e you a fee torepair and/orreturntheUnitto you.


This w arrantydoesnotcoverany failureofthe Unitdue to:

1 . non-compliance withtheinstructionsregarding

installation, operation, maintenance and testingoftheUnitor ofany productwithwh ich the Un itisused.

2 . any attempttorepair, dismantle,reinstallormove the Producto anotherlocationoncetheProductisinstalled by any personothe rthan an authorisedinstaller.

3 . tampering,neglect, abuse, we arand tear,accident, electricalstorm, excessiveuseorconditionsotherthan normaldomesticuse.

This warrantydoesnotcoverany problemswith,orrelating to, the garage doororg arage doorhardware, including but notlimitedtothedoorsprings, doorrollers,dooralignment orhinges, any problemscausedby electricalfaults, replacementofbatteries orlightbulbs orlabourcharge s for reinstalling a repaired orreplaced Units.

Lia bility– Australia o nly

U nder no circumstances sha llth e S eller be liable for consequential, incidentalor specialdamages arisingin connectionwiththe use, orinabilitytouse, the Unit. Inno eve ntshallthe S eller'sliabilityfordamages orinjuryarising from breach oflaw orcontractorfornegligence, exceed the costof repairingor replacing the Unit or refundingthe purchasepriceoftheUnit.

Und er Division2 PartV ofthe Trade PracticesAct, 1974, certainwarrantiesand conditions(ImpliedTerms)areimplied intocontractsforthesupplyofgoods orservicesifthegoods orservicesare of a kindordinarilyacquiredforpersonal, domesticor household use or consumption.Liabilityfor breach ofthoseImpliedTermscannotbe excludedorlimited and thelimitations and exclusions above do notapplytothe ImpliedTerms.

E xceptforthe Implied Terms and the warrantiessetout above, the S ellerexcludes allwa rrantiesand conditions impliedby state,atlaw,u infactorotherwise.

Lia bility– Ne w Zealand only

E xceptas setoutinthe Fair Trading Act 1986 and the Con sumerGuaranteesA ct1993:

(a)allotherguarantees,warrantiesand representatioins relationtothe Unitoritsupplyareexcludedtothe extent thattheS ellercan lawfullyexcludethem; and

(b)underno circumstancesh allthe S ellerbe liablefor consequential, incidentalor specialdamages arisingin connectionwiththe use, orinabilityouse, the Unit,other than those wh ich were reasonablyforeseeableas liable toresultfromthefailure.

NOTE : W e requesthatyou attachyoursalesdocketor invoicetothismanualtoenableyou toestablishthe dateof purchaseintheunlikelyeventofa servicecallbeingmade.

Cha mberlainreserves the right tocha nge the design and specification w ithout prior notification. So me features or accessoriesmaynotbe availableincertainmarketsorareas. P leasecheck withyourdistributor.



Chamberlain servicecentres:


Phone tollfree1800 638 234

Fax tollfree1800 888 121

New Zealand

Auckland phone 09 477 2823

Phone tollfree0800 653 667

Fax tollfree0800 653 663


Image 19
Contents Or O pen er Not wear rings, watche s or loose c lothing Frequentlyexam ine the door Installation,With Properoperation ofth e safetyreverse System ordamage Eep garageTo OL Srequi RED InventoryOr RE QU IR Ements INS TA LLI NG TH E Stop C OLL AR Testing TH E D OORInsta LL ING the W Eigh T B a R Provided PIN N in G TH E Door OPE RA TIN G TH E MAN U a L REL EA SEThegarage Door Optional a cce ssory not prov ided Left / RI G HT HA ND in Stall Atio NTIO N Limit Setting TH E L Imits & R IG H T O R Left OperationSetting rightor leftha nd ope ration Setting the ope n limitG LA BEL S Testing TH E SA Fety Rever SE SystemCcessory System IROPT AccessoriesLocatethetwoscrew s for Isin mot ion. Do Not IsinFullview, fre Obs truction a nd properly Djusted Should Enter or LeaveRES OPT ION Spar E PA RTS MR850 only ES SO RiesSensor = Lightson theIR Beams Are not onSteadi ly Isnot liton do Or controlSH OO TIN G Or seriouspersonal injuryc ould result Should Fullyc losed ifpossibleWea Broke n Springs c ould Allow a n Fallrapidly. Property damageLIM Ited W Trademark of The Chamberlain Group, Inc