Electrolux WTF3H, WTF4H, WTF2H, WT730 TCW Total control, Stand by mode Washing mode Setup mode

Page 7

Total control


Low speed





DIN 50110

2x16 digits



Power on





Power off

High speed




The electronic control panel has been d e s i g n e d n o t o n l y t o c o n t r o l t h e d i s h w a s h e r, b u t a l s o t o p r o v i d e t h e operator and engineer a host of useful i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t c a n i m p r o v e t h e efficiency and washing performance.

The new digital control panel with HACCP integration and fault diagnosis system

is used to read the temperature of all washing, rinsing and drying sections.

if a fault occurs it will be indicated on the control panel

as an option it is possible to measure the consumption of water and energy

in the “Washing mode” pumps and drier stop after one minute if no dishes are loaded in the conveyor and start automatically when dishes enter into the machine

on request an integrated printer can be installed on the machine, in order to print

o u t a l l t h e d a t a a b o u t t h e w a s h i n g processes, displayed on the window

Stand by mode

Washing mode


Setup mode

The following information can be selected

The following information can be selected

In the setup mode the following fields can

and displayed in the window:

and displayed in the window:

b e s e t : F o r t h e u s e r • d a t e a n d t i m e

• temperatures: actual and set values

• washing efficiency • current alarms

• choice of 12 languages • For the technician

• flow limit settings • statistics-today’s

• t e m p e r a t u r e s - a c t u a l

a n d s e t v a l u e s

with access code • temperatures can be

washing • alarms-today’s washing • time

• f l o w / s p e e d / e l e c t r i c a l

p o w e r - a c t u a l

altered • timer • HACCP protocols (how

left to service • HACCP protocol • print

values (if measuring devices are installed)

to print) • Water flows (option) • contact

protocol • clear protocol

• statistics - today’s washing • current

time (between water and items)


alarms-today’s washing




Image 7
Contents Flight Type Dishwashers General features Page Reliability ReliabilityAccessibility AccessibilityInternal cleanability CleanabilityExternal cleanability Total control Stand by mode Washing mode Setup modeMm length Plates/hour Product rangeTank standard pre-wash Tank heavy duty pre-washVersion B Version aVersion C Technical data Total power Electric and Steam models Power Rinse without detergentEnergy savings WTF2 Final Rinse Rinsing systemStandard Duo Rinse Electrolux offers 2 final rinse methodsDetergent saving system Detergent savingsVersion Temprite, Aladin Tailor made Customer solutionsBlue stick for baskets Multipurpose conveyor Conveyor for small items in flightConveyor for larger items Conveyor for trays and cutleryCombined Flight Type Dishwasher Dishwashing layout with cross over function LayoutGuests /hour Example of dishwashing layout for 1200 guests/hour kitchenEFT43EN