Detergent savings
Detergent saving system:
When the dishwasher is running at full c a p a c i t y, t h e w a t e r i n t h e t a n k s i s continuously replaced by a flow of water, coming from the final rinse zone and, at the same time, the equivalent amount of water is drained off via the
•In traditional flight type dishwasher all the water from the final rinse runs over to the
•The equivalent flow in the new Electrolux flight type dishwashers is only 100 litres per hour. This means saving approx. 0,5 kg detergent per hour! The savings, making a calculation, based on working 7 hours/day
for 300 days, considering that the right concentration of detergent is 2 grams per litre, are more than 1 ton of detergent per y e a r ( 1 4 7 9 k g / y e a r w i t h a t r a d i t i o n a l m a c h i n e v s 4 2 0 k g / y e a r w i t h t h e Electrolux FT dishwasher)