Wdll Be There
With the purchase of your new Hotpoint appliance, receive the assurance tiat if you ever need information or assis- tance, we’ll be there. Al you have to do is
In-Home Repair
our (onslllner service professionals” }~ill provide experl repair service on ?()~ir Hot poi]]t appii:ince, scheduled at a t imc. that’s convenient for you. hlal]y (;k; (;onsunler Service conlpany- of~erale{l locatior]s” offer you service
10(121} 01” tonlol”l”()\v,” or at your con.
~enience (7:()() a.m. to 7:()() p.m. week. days, !):()() a.in. to 2:()() p.nl. Saturdays). oilr
Service Contracts
You can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Service wiff stiff be there after your Hotpoint product wamanty expires. Purchase a GE contract white your warranty is still in effect and you’lf receive a substarrtiaf discount, With a
Patis andAccessories
Individu& qutified to service their
om appliances can have needed parts or accessories sent directly to their home. Our parts system pro- vides access to over 47,000 Genuine Renewaf Parts... and all are fully war- ranted. VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted.
User maintenance instructions contained in &is boo~et cover proce- dures intended to be performed by anywer. Ofier servicing gener~y shodd be referred to quti~led ser- vice personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.
GE Answer Centerm
Wtlat.evcl- your questiot] al)OLIt ;II1) Hotpoint” Inajor af]f>lial][(, (;li A]lswc (;ente]”
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf
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For Customers With
Special Needs...
LJporr re(fucst. we will provide 13raillc controls fi)r- a variety of’ Hotpoirlt” appliances, and a brochure to assist ir pfanning a
(lonsurners with inlpaircd hearing or speech who h:we access to a ‘1.1.)1) or a conventional teletypewriter may call