Care and maintenance
Cleaning and special maintenance
The filter assembly
Ifyouwantconsistentgoodresults fromyourdishwasher,youneedto cleanthefilterassembly.
The food particles are removed fromthewashwater,allowingitto be recirculated during the cycle, filteredperfectly.Forthisreason, itisagoodideatoremovethelarger food particles trapped inside the
Theentirefilterassemblyshould be cleaned thoroughly once a
For cleaning, use a non metallic brush.
Reassemble the filter parts (as showninthefigure)andreinsert the whole assembly into the dishwasher. Position it into its housingandpressdownwards.
Thedishwasherisnottobeused without filters. Improper replacementofthefiltersmayre- ducetheefficiencyofthewashand evendamageyourdishwasher.
B 2 A
Cleaning the spray arms.
Food residue may become encrusted onto thesprayer arms andblock theholes wherewater comesout.Checkthesprayerarms regularlyandcleanthemonceina while (letters F and I “How is it made?”).
Cleaning the Water Inlet Filter
Periodicallycleanthewaterinlet filter (see figure 2 under "Installation")locatedontheoutlet of the water supply tap. After turningoffthewatertap,unscrew theendofthewatersupplyhose, remove the filter and clean it carefully under running water. Then, return the filter to its place andtightenthewatersupplyhose backintoposition.
Once in a while, once a month, spend a little time
on the filter assembly and the sprayer arms.
Keep your dishwasher in shape
Respecting these few rules ensures you will always have a reliable work companion by your side.
Unplug the appliance. | Going on holiday? | The seals. |
Beforecarryingoutanycleaning | Whenyougoawayforanextended | One of the factors that cause |
ormaintenanceonthedishwasher, | periodoftime,werecommendyou unpleasantodourstoforminside | |
alwaysremovetheplugfromthe | dothefollowing: | thedishwasherisfoodthatremains |
electricitysocket.Donotrunrisks. | •runacyclewiththedishwasher | trapped in the seals. Periodic |
No solvents! No abrasives! | empty | cleaningusingadampspongewill |
•turnoffthewaterinlettap. | preventthisfromoccurring. | |
To clean the exterior and rubber | •leavetheappliancedoorajar |
partsofyourappliance,donotuse Thiswillhelpthesealslastlonger |
| |
solvents or abrasive cleaning | and prevent unpleasant odours |
products. Use a cloth dampened | fromforminginsidetheappliance. |
withlukewarmsoapywateronly. | Moving the appliance. |
If there are any stains on the |
| |
surface of the appliance interior, | Should the appliance have to be |
useaclothdampenedwithwater | moved, try to keep it in a vertical |
and a little white vinegar, or a | position.Ifabsolutelynecessary,it |
cleaningproductspecificallymade | canbepositionedonitsback. |
Your dishwasher is not a waste
Do not worry about removing every single bit of food residue from your dishes, but do get rid of bones, peel and rind and any other
HOTPOINT - Instructions for installation and use 11