Installation and moving
Your dishwasher has arrived
After having bought or moved your dishwasher to another home, a correct installation ensures that your dishwasher will operate smoothly and efficiently.
Choosewhereyouwanttoinstall your dishwasher, you can even place it so that its sides or back panelaresidebysidewithfurniture or up against the wall. The dishwasherisprovidedwithwater supplyanddrainhoses,whichcan bedirectedtowardstheleftorright to facilitate appropriate installation.
Easy to build-in
Thisdishwashermodelcanbebuilt underasingleworktop(pleaseread therelevantinstructionsheet).
Oncetheapplianceispositioned, adjustthefeetbyscrewingthemin oroutdependingonhowhighyou want it and to level it so that it is horizontal.Makesurethatitisnot inclinedmorethan2degrees.Ifthe applianceislevel,itwillhelpensure itscorrectoperation.
Cold water connection. Thiselectrichouseholdappliance shouldbeconnectedtothewater mainsusingthecoldwatersupply hoseprovidedwiththeappliance only.Donotuseadifferenthose.In the event of replacements, use originalsparepartsonly. Connect the cold water supply hosemakingsurethatitisfastened tightlyinplace.
Ifthewaterpipesareneworhave not been used for an extended
periodoftime,letthewaterrunto make sure that the water is clear and free of impurities. If this precautionisnottaken,thereisa risk that the water inlet can get blockedanddamagetheappliance.
Drain hose connection. Fitthedrainpipeintoadrainline withaminimumdiameterof4cm orplaceitoverthesink.Avoidre- strictingorbendingit.Usethespe- cialplasticelbowprovided(seefig- ure)topositionitinthebestpossi- ble way. The part of the pipe markedwiththeletterAshouldbe between40and100cmabovethe ground.
Thepipeshouldnotbeimmersed inwater.
A |
Electrical connection. First of all, check that the mains voltage and frequency values correspondtothosestatedonthe ratingplatelocatedonthestainless steel inner door of the appliance and that the electrical system to whichthedishwasherisconnected issizedforthemaximumcurrent indicatedonsaidratingplate.
Earth: indispensable safety.
Only now can you plug the applianceintoasocketprovided withanefficientearthconnection (the system's earthing is a guaranteeofsafetyprovidedforby law, make sure your system has it).
Mains cable.
Checkthemainscableonaregular basis; if it is damaged, we recommendyouhaveitreplaced by an authorised technical Assistanceservicecentre.
Anti-flood protection
Yourdishwasherisprovidedwitha special system which blocks the watersupplyintheeventofleaks insidetheappliance.
If the power
socket to which the appliance is connected is not compatible with the plug, replace it with a suitable plug rather than using adapters or multiple plugs as these could cause
overheating or
burns .
The special
plastic elbow
should be
fastened firmly onto the wall to prevent the drain hose from moving and allowing water to spill outside the drain.
8HOTPOINT - Instructions for installation and use