WARNING:Always turn controlto OFF then disconnectplug from wall outlet BEFORE disconnecting SureRELEASETM CORD.
•Do not immerse the cord set in water or any other liquids.
•Do not attempt to defeat the detachable magnetic SureRELEASE™ Cord system by trying to permanentlyattach cord set to product.
•Do not stick pins or other sharp objectsin holes on magneticcord set.
•Do not use any type of steel wool to clean magnetic contacts. NOTE: Make sure the fryer has cooled completely before cleaning.
1.Turn unit OFF.
2.Unplug from outlet and allow unit to cool completely.
3. Remove SureRELEASE™ magnetic cord from the fryer socket.
4. Remove the Lid. (See Fig. 2)
5. Open the Filter Cover and remove the Filters.
6. Remove Frying Basket.
Figure 2
7. Lift Control Panel up from the front of the fryer.
8. When unit has cooled completelycarefully lift the Oil Reservoir straight up and out by holding the rim of the Oil Reservoir. If you plan to reuse the oil, reference TIPS FOR OIL USE AND STORAGEon
page 11.
WARNING: Do not remove Oil Reservoiruntil the unit has cooled completely and is unplugged.
9. RemovePower Stripfromtheback ofthefryer.(SeeFig.3)
10. Remove Condensation Trap.
NOTE: This trap will collect any water that has been condensed on the inside of the Lid when the Lid is
opened after frying. Rememberto empty and clean the Condensation Trap after each use. To clean simply rinse with warm water and dry.