Recommendations (see also the enclosed ‘CERAN’ leaflet)
•Use only pots with a solid level base. An uneven base will prolong cooking time and waste energy.
•Use pots with a base diameter slightly larger than that of the thermal area. This will ensure even heat distribution and prevent spillage from dripping onto and staining the hot zone.
•Always cover the pot with a lid. This will conserve energy and minimize spillage.
•Save energy by switching the plate off 5 to 10 minutes before the end of a lengthy cooking period. The Ceran hob will retain sufficient residual heat to complete the cooking process.
•A pot with rough edges could scratch the Ceran if it were dragged across the surface of the hob.
•Any spillage of sugar solution such as jam, must be removed immediately. If allowed to cool on the Ceran it could pit and damage the surface.
•Do not cover the Ceran with aluminium foil and do not use poor quality aluminium pots. These will leave unsightly deposits which in time, could adhere to the Ceran.
Error codes
FA | ON/OFF button: emitter’s anomaly. All cook- | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| ing zones are disabled. | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
FC | ON/OFF button: receiver’s anomaly. All | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| cooking zones are disabled. | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
FE | Touch control’s temperature sensor: sensor | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| NTC’s short circuit. All cooking zones are | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
| disabled. |
Ft | Touch control’s temperature sensor: sensor | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| NTC’s opening. All cooking zones are disa- | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
| bled. |
Fc | Touch controls temperature sensor: sensor | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| NTC’s overheating. All cooking zones are | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
| disabled. |
Fr | Relay: relay’s anomaly. All cooking zones | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| are disabled. | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
FH | Touch control's EEPROM (memory): | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| Eeprom’s anomaly. All cooking zones are | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
| disabled. |
FJ | Touch control’s ADC: Anomaly of touch con- | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| trol’s ADC. All cooking zones are disabled. | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
FO | Touch control’s software: Software anomaly. | If it persists with domestic use: CONTACT |
| All cooking zones are disabled | YOUR DEFY SERVICE CENTRE AND |
FL | Touch control’s brightness: Excessive exter- | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| nal brightness that prevents calibration of | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
| touch sensors. All cooking zones are disa- |
| bled |
FU | Touch control’s divider: Divider anomaly. All | CONTACT YOUR DEFY SERVICE CEN- |
| cooking zones are disabled. | TRE AND SPECIFY THE ERROR CODE |
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