Maytag X9112VUV warranty Impirtantsafetyinstructions, Cookingsafety, Childsafety

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Turn off all controls and wait for appliance parts to cool before touching or cleaning them.

Clean appliance with caution. If a wet spongeor clothis usedto wipe

spillson a hotcookingarea, be carefulto avoidsteam burns.Some

cleaners can produce noxiousfumes

if applied to a hot surface.

Touching a hot oven light bulb with a damp cloth could cause the bulb to break. Shouldthe bulb

break,disconnectpowerto the oven before trying to removethe bulb to

avoid electrical shock,


Never heat an unopened container in the oven, Pressure build-up may cause containerto

burstresultingin seriouspersonal injuryor damageto the oven.

Always place oven racks in the desired positions while oven is

cool. Ifa rack mustbe movedwhile

hot, be carefulto avoid contactof pot holders withoven burnerflame,

Slide oven rack out to add or remove food, using dry, sturdy pot holders, Alwaysavoidreaching intoovento placeor remove food.

Use dry, sturdy pot holders.

Damp pot holdersmay cause burns fromsteam. Dishtowelsorother substitutesshouldnever be usedas

potholdersbecausethey can ignite or get caught on appliance parts,

Use care when opening oven

door. Lethot air orsteam escape beforeremovingor replacingfood.

Use caution when wearing garments made of flammable

material to avoid clothing fires, Loosefittingor longhanging-sleeved

apparel should not be worn while cooking,Clothingmay igniteor catch utensilhandles,

Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials

accumulate in or near the appliance.

In the event of a grease fire do not attempt to move pan.

If a grease fire occurs in the oven

or in the broiler pan, turnoven off and keep doorclosedto containfire

until it extinguishes,

Do not use water on grease fires,

Never pickupa flamingpan. Turnoff burner,then smotherflamingpan by coveringpan completelywitha lid,

cookiesheet orflattray. Or,

extinguish flame by covering with baking soda or, if available, a

multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher,

Spills or boilovers which contain grease should be cleaned up as soon as possible, If they are

allowedto accumulate,they could create a FIRE HAZARD.


Follow food manufacturer's

instructions. If a plasticfrozenfood containerand/or itscoverdistorts, warps,or is otherwisedamaged duringcooking,immediatelydiscard the food and itscontainer.The food could be contaminated.


Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily grasped and stay cool. Avoid usingunstable, warped, easilytippedor loose

handledpans. Do not usepans if their handles twist and cannot be

tightened. Pans that are heavy to move whenfilledwithfood may also

be hazardous,

Many plastics are vulnerable to heat. Keep plasticsaway fromparts

ofthe appliancethat maybecome warm or hot,

When using oven cooking bags in oven, followthe manufactuer's directions.

Use only glass cookware that is _ecommendedfor use inthe oven.


The CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater and ToxicEnforcementAct of 1986 (Proposition65) requiresthe

Governorof Californiato publisha

listof substancesknownto the State of Californiato cause cancer or

reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of

potential exposures to such


Users of thisapplianceare hereby warnedthat the burningof gas can

result in low-level exposure to some of the listed substances, including

benzene, formaldehyde and soot, due primarilyto the incomplete

combustionof naturalgasor liquid petroleum(LP) fuels. Properly adjustedburnerswillminimize incompletecombustion.Exposureto

these substances can also be minimized by properly venting the

burnersto the outdoors.


Do not leave children alone or unsupervised near the appliance when it is in use or is still hot.

Children should never be allowed

to sit or stand on any part of the appliance.

Children must be taught that the appliance and utensils in it can be hot. Let hot utensilscool in a safe place, out of reach of small children.

Children should be taught that an appliance is not a toy.

Children should not be allowed to

play with controls or other parts of the unit.

CAUTION: Do not store items of interest to children In cabinets

above an appliance or on the backguard of a appliance. Children climbing on the

appliance to reach items could be seriously injured.


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Contents Address Maiagcustomer ServiceFor future reference we suggestyou retainthis Dealer from Whom PurchasedWhat to do if YOU ImprtantsafetyinstructionsGeneral Safety AboutyourappuangeImpirtantsafetyinstructions CookingsafetyChildsafety Clock .ND Timer Pilotless Ignition Usingyour OvenUSE Ofaluminum Foil Bakeware AccessoriesOven Racks HintsCheck the cooking progress at the minimum time Usingyour OvenCommon Baking Problems And Why They Happen Broil HOW to BroilBroiling Chart Broiler Pan and InsertBroiler Bottom To remove When cool,removebroilerOven Light Electrical ConnectionCleaning Chart 10CARE and CleaningCare and Cleaning Cleaning ChartHOW to Remove Wall Oven FO R Cleaning or Servicing 12CARE and Cleaning SERVICE13 Before Calling a Service TECHNICIAN, Check the FollowingHOW to Obtain Service