Do not attempt to change the rack positions when the oven is hot.
To remove: Be sure the rack is cool.
Thetwo oven racksare designedwith a Pullthe rackstraightouttothelock.stop
position.Tiltthe front ofthe rack up and continuepullingthe rack outof the oven.
To replace: Place the rack on the rack supports. Tilt the front end up and slide it back until it Clears the
For optimum baking results of cakes, cookies or biscuits, bake on one rack. Position rack so food is in the center of the oven. Allow 2 inches between the edgeofthe utensiland theovenwallsor adjacentutensils,
• Do not use aluminum foil directly
heat away from the utensil causing
inadequate browning. Placing a pie directly on foil may result in a soggy
bottom crust and inadequate browning.
• Do not place aluminum foil directly
on the oven bottom as this may under the cookware. Foil will reflect damage the oven bottom. A piece of
foilthat isslightlylargerthanthe cooking utensil can be placedon the rackdirectly
below the rack containing the utensil.
*Do not completely cover an oven rack with foil, This blocksair flow in the oven, constitutesa safety hazard, and will adverselyaffectcookingresults.
Rack Positions
Use the following guidelines when selectingthe properrack positions:
RACK 4 (topof oven) used for some two rackcookingor bakingoperations.
RACK 3 used for one or
Ifcookingontwo racks,staggerpansso one is not directlyoverthe other. Use rack positions 2 and 4, or I and 4,
depending on baking results, when cookingon two racks. Use racks1 and
4when using two cookie sheets.
Never place two cookie sheets on one rack and never place aluminum foil or pans directly on the oven bottom,
•Never cover the broiler insert with
aluminum foil as this prevents fat from draining to the pan below. The broilerpan can be linedwith foil.
This appliancehas beentestedfor safe performance using conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or accessories that are not specifically
recommended in this manual. Do not
| UsealuminumfoilONLYasinstructedin |
RACK I used for one or | thisbook, lmproper use of aluminum foil |
baking; roasting large meats; cooking | may cause damage to the oven, affect |
larger foods or casseroles and for | cooking results, and can also result in |
bakingangel food cake, pie shells, cake | shock and/or fire hazards. Foil can be |
or cakes in tube or bundt pans. | used ff these guidelines are followed: |
use stove top grills, or