To Use Cook ‘NWatch
TIME COOK I &II allowsyou to microwave for a preset amount
of time using automatic power level10
Powerlevel 10(HIGH) k recommendedfor most cooking, but you may change this for more flexibility.See your cookbook.
To become better acquaintedwith timu coofir~g,make a CUPOfCOffee by followingthe steps below.
Step 1: Fill a cup 2/3 full of
water and add 1 teaspoon of instant coffee and stir to dissolve. Use a cup that has no metal decoration and is microwavesafe (refer to MicrowavingTips on page 2). Place cup in oven and close door.
Step 2: Touch TIME COOK I & H
p~~(],I>isiiayShOWS: O and “POWER lo:” “ENTER (XXX TIME” fladles.
Step 4: TouchSTART.“COOK TIME;’ “POWER 10~’and time countingdown showon display.
Step 5: When time is up, the oven signalsand flashes “End~’Oven,
light and fan shut off. Step 6: Open the door.
using the me cook n
With the Time Cook II feature, you can set two time cooking functions within one program. This would be ideal if you desired to change power levelsduring your cooking operations.
The followingis an example of how to change power levels using Time Cook II.
Step 1: Repeat Steps 1,2 and 3.
Step2: Touch TIME COOK I & H.
Step 3: Set your time.
Step 4: To change the power level, touch POWER LEVEL pad and desirednumber for new powerlevel.
Step 5: Touch START.
Step6:“POWER 10” is displayed and “COOK TIME I“ countsdown.
Step 7: At the end of “COOK TIME 1“ the next selected power level is displayed and “COOK TIME II” is shown counting down.
Step 8: When time is up, the oven signals and flashes “End~’The oven, light and fan shut off.
Step 9: Open the door.
Step 1: TouchCOOK ‘NWA~H. “COOK ‘NWATCH”and “POWER 10”are displayedand “START”flashes.
Step 2: TouchSTART.“COOK ‘N WA~H” and time countingup to
3minutes are displayed.Power level 10is automaticallyset in ovenbut another powerlevelcan be selected.
Step 3: Open the door or touch the CLEAR/OFF pad to stop cooking. The ovenwill automaticallysignal, flash “End” and shut off at the end of 3 minutes.
‘QI.lestiom andAIB$we~~
Q.1 set my oven for the time called for in the recip% but at the end of the time allowed, my food wasn’t done. What happened?
A.Since house power varies due to time or location many Time Cook recipes give you a time range to preventovercooking.Set the oven for minimum time, test the food for doneness, and cook your food a little longer, if necessary.
Q.I touched the number pads and selected my power level.When I touched START, lwveve~, my oven didn’t come on. Why not’?
A.The TIME COOK I & 11pad must be touched before setting the number pads or else your oven wiH not begin cooking.
Q.I want to cook on a power level otherthanHIGH. Vvhatdo Ixleditodo?
A.To change the power level, touch the POWER LEVEL pad. “ENTER POWER” flashes on the display panel. Enter new number.
Q, Can 1 interrupt my Time Ckmkfunction tocheckthefood?
A.Yes. To resume cooking,
simply close the door and press the STARTpad. The timer must be reset for cooking to resume unless time is remaining on timer.