Samsung RFG297AAWP user manual Using tHe DooRs, UsinG tHE tiLtinG PoCKEt, Cool Select Pantry

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Operating your SAMSUNG French Door Refrigerator

4. Cool Select Pantry™

To remove the pantry - Pull the pantry out to full extension. Tilt up the front side of pantry and pull straight out.

To relocate the pantry - Push the rails to the back of the Refrigerator. Place the drawer onto the rails and slide the pantry back until it is in place.

To remove the divider - Pull the pantry completely out to full extension and raise the front side of the divider to unhook it from the rear wall of the pantry, then lift the divider out.

To relocate the divider - Hook the back of the divider over the rear wall of the pantry and push the divider down.

using tHe DooRs

The Refrigerator doors ensure that the doors close all the way and are securely sealed.

When the Refrigerator door is only partially open, it will automatically close. The door will stay open when opened more than 3 Inches.

usinG tHE tiLtinG PoCKEt

The Tilting Pocket can be used to store up to a 16” pizza if you place it as shown in the illustration.

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Contents Refrigerator Key features of your new refrigerator Model #Serial # Safety Information Severe Warning SignsDo not use aerosols near the Refrigerator Unplug the Refrigerator before changing the interior light Do not insert the power plug with wet handsDo not disassemble or repair the Refrigerator by yourself Refrigerator must be safely groundedNever unplug your Refrigerator by pulling on the power cord Do not store articles on the top of the applianceDo not put your hands under the appliance Safety Information Contents Setting up your French Door Refrigerator GEttinG READy to instAll tHE REFRiGERAtoRTools you will need Setting uP tHe ReFRigeRAtoRRemoving the refrigerator doors Disassemble the Refrigerator doorsIf a red clip is on the coupler, it must Disassemble the freezer drawer REAttACHinG tHE REFRiGERAtoR DooRs Assemble the Refrigerator doorsCoupler Assemble the freezer drawer ADJustinG tHE DooRs When the left door is lower than the Right doorWhen the left door is higher than the Right door Making Minor Adjustments Between Doors ADJustinG tHE FREEzER DRAwER lEVEl Connecting to the water supply line CHECKinG tHE wAtER DisPEnsER LinEInstalling the water fi lter InstAllinG tHE wAtER linEConnecting the water line to the Refrigerator RefrigeratorHousing Reverse osmosis water supplyUsinG tHE ContRol PAnEl Operating your Samsung French Door RefrigeratorPower Cool Using the Digital DisplayPower Freeze Filter IndicatorControlling the Freezer temperature AlarmBasic temperature of Freezer and Refrigerator Compartments Controlling the Refrigerator temperatureNormal Use Using the water dispenser Using the ice off FunctionParts and Features Freezer 9 Drawer BinStoring Food in the Refrigerator Storing Food in the Freezer DrawerUsinG tHE Cool sElECt PAntRy TempSelection Button Tempered Glass shelves Removing the Refrigerator AccessoriesDoor Bins & Dairy Compartment Vegetable & Fruit DrawersUsing tHe DooRs UsinG tHE tiLtinG PoCKEtCool Select Pantry Auto Pull out Drawer Removing the Freezer AccessoriesTilting Pocket Freezer Drawer BinCleaning the ice/water Dispenser CLEAninG tHE REFRiGERAtoRCleaning the Exterior Cleaning the Rubber door sealsChanging the Interior LigHtS Changing the Interior Light in the RefrigeratorChanging the Interior Light in the Freezer Drawer Ordering Replacement water Filter CHAnGinG tHE wAtER FiltERWater Filter Chart NSFWater Filter Certification Food Storage Tips Foods Refrigerator Freezer Storage TipsSources Troubleshooting Warranty SAMsunG REFRiGERAtoR 28.5 CubiC FEEt AnD Larger CAPACity04NTY Arra Questions or COMMENTS? Country Call Or Visit US Online AT Write