Samsung RT25S 5029,1*$&&6625,6, UHHHU6KHOI, 7UD\LFH, JjDqgFdqFduu, 5HIULJHUDWRU6KHOI

Page 19



- Pull the ice cube tray unit forward.

- Lift the front of the freezer shelf upward to release the hooks and pull the shelf out of the freezer.


- Pull the ice maker toward you.


- Pull the Egg and can carry toward you until it meet the stopper.

- Tilt the front of the "Egg and can carry" and continue pulling the Egg and can carry.


- Pull the shelf towards you until it meets the stopper.

- Tilt the front of the shelf up and continue pulling the shelf out.


Image 19
Contents DA68-01659FREV0.1 1*/,6+ 55,*5$725576 576 2 15·6,16758&7,2167ZLVW,FH&XEH7UD\ $7856LJDQG LGHRRU%LQ 6LOYHU1DQRHRGRULHURQWHQWV Page Page Page Page Freezer storage guard Lamp 3$576Freezer Compartment Temperature Control Freezer Shelf Case Tray Ice Tray Ice Cubeopened with this 167$//$7,21or dampness Allow the enough space for openingPage $51,1 6WDQGWDEOHHIRUHXVLQJ 9/,1*7+$33/,$1$87,216 +,/86,1 For optimum operation, do not leave the door 6725,1*22,17+55,*5$725255=5 HWZHHQ&2/DQG&2/5 +2 72867HPSHUDWXUHFRQWURO6HPLOHFWULF0RGHO 2/55HPRYLQJ,FHFXEHV 0DNLQJLFHFXEHVJJ FDQFDUU\ 9HJHWDEOH%LQ6WRULQJIRRG JJDQGFDQFDUU\ 5029,1*$&&6625,6UHHHU6KHOI 7UD\LFH6WRUDJH*XDUGV 5HSODFLQJWKHODPS9HJHWDEOH%LQDQG&RYHU QWHULRU3DUWV $1,1*7+55,*5$72525&$//,1*659