This | ||
thorou ghly tested and ins pect ed to insur e only the | ||
highest quality | unit is prov ided. Upo n receipt, | |
check for any possible shippin g dama ge and repo rt | ||
it at once to the delivering carrier. See | ||
Transp orta tio n Damage and Claims section | ||
loca ted in this manua l. |
| |
This appliance, complete with unattac hed | ||
items and acc essories, may have been delivered in | ||
one or more packages . Chec k to ensure that all | ||
stan dard ite ms and options | have been received | |
with each mod el as ordered. | and instruct ions | |
Sav e all the inf orm ation | ||
pack ed with the appliance. | Complete and return | |
the warranty card to the factory as soo n as | ||
possib le to assure prompt serv ice in the event of a | ||
warranty parts | and lab or claim. | |
This manual must be read and understo od by | ||
all peop le using | or installin g the equipment | |
model . Contact | the | |
depa rtment if you have any quest ions con cer ning | ||
insta llation, operation, or mainte nance. |
NOTE: All claims for war ranty must include the ful l mod el number and seria l number of the unit.
1.Carefull y remov e the applia nce from the carto n or crate.
NOTE : Do not disca rd the carton and other packa ging material until you have inspected the unit for hidde n damage and tested it for prope r operation.
2.Read all instru ctions in this manual carefu lly before initiating the installation of this appliance.
This manual is conside red to be part of the applia nce and is to be provided to the owner or manager of the busin ess or to the person responsib le for training ope rators. Additi onal man uals are availab le from the Alt
3.Rem ove all protecti ve plastic film, packaging materi als, and access orie s from the appli anc e before connecting electric al pow er. Store any acces sori es in a convenient place for futu re use.
Operation & Care Manual • 1.