If you need service or assistance,
we suggest you follow these five steps:
Performance problems often result from llffle things you can find and fix yourself without tools of any kind.
If nothlng operates:
l Is the power supply cord plugged
into a live circuttwiththe proper vott- age? (See “Installation Instructions:‘)
l Have you checked your home’s main fuses or circuit breaker box?
Ii the oven will not operate:
l Is the Oven Selector turned to a set- ttng (BAKE or BROIL)?
l Is the Oven Temperature Control turned to a temperature selttng?
If surface units will not operate:
l Have you checked your home’s main fuses or circuit breaker box?
l Are surface units plugged in all the way?
l Do the control knobs turn?
If surface unit control knob(s)
l Did you push in before trying to turn?
If soil is visible on Contlnuous- Cleaning oven Hnish:
l The special finish is designed to gradually reduce oven SOB during normal baking or roasting. tt is not designed to keep your oven spot- less, only presentably clean.
l If you broil often, you may see oven soil.
l The door is cooler than the oven walls. Soil will be more visible on the door than other areas in the oven. See page 16 for how to clean.
l Sugar and starchy spills may leave stains. See page 16 for hand clean- ing tips. Keep toll on oven bottom to catch these spills.
If cooking results are not what you expected:
l Is the range level?
l Are you using pans recommended in the Cooking Guide?
l If baking, have you allowed I?/2to 2 inches
l Have you preheated the oven as the recipe calls for?
l Are the pans the size called for in the recipe?
l Are you following a tested recipe from a reliable source?
l Do the cooking utensils have smooth, flat bottoms and fit the sur- face unlt being used?
See the Cooking Guide for more infor- mation on cooking problems and how to solve them.
2.If you need assistance?..
Call Whlrlpod
Ice asslsfance telephone number. Dial free from anywhere in the U.S.:
and talk with one of our trained Con- sultants. The Consultants can instruct you In how to obtain satisfactory oper-
ation from your appliance or, if serv-
ice is necessary, recommend a
qualified service company in your area.