7.Touch in the cooking time and Cook Power.
Note: It you hear the blower start when you touch START; you have not set the oven properly. Touch CHANGE/CANCEL Pad twice and start over.
Extra Information:
l You can’t touch In more than 99 minutes, 99 seconds of delay in the COOK1 Cycle l If you open the door before the oven begrns to cook. be sure to retouch START
Use foods that will not go bad or spoil while waiting for cookrng IO start Avoid using dishes wrth milk or eggs, cream soups, cooked meats, poultry or fish, or any item with baking powder or yeast
Smoked or frozen meats may be used, so con vegetables. fruits and
Any food that has to wart for cooking to start should be very cold or frozen before It is put In the oven MOST UNFROZEN FOODS SHOULD NEVER STAND AT ROOM TEMPERATURE MORE THAN TWO HOURS BEFORE COOKING STARTS.
Cancelling instructions
l Touch CHANGE/CANCEL twrce to erase all instruction.
. Openrng the oven door during cooking does not cancel cookrng rnstructrons
Programming tone
EachtrmeyoutouchapadyouwrllheoratoneIfvoudonthearatonertrsbecausethe instructrofl ISnot correct
EXAMPLE: If you touch a Number Pad without touchrng the COOK1 & 2 Pod first you WIII not hear u lone The rnstructron ISnot correct
Other operating hints
1.TO double check settings, touch the command pods for the settrngs You wont to check The instructrons You touched rn for those pods will show In the Display Touch STARTto start the oven or return the Display to show what the oven ISdoing
2.To stop the oven while it is running:
l Open the door The oven WIII stop You can restart it by closing the door and touching START
l Touch CHANGE/CANCEL twice All rnstructrons will be erased You must touch In new Instructions
l If yob touch two instructions into the same cycle. the second InstructIon WIJIerase the first