Whirlpool MT6900XW manual 5GROUNDING.INSTRUCTIONS, Electricalrequirements

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Obsewe all governing codes and ordinances.

A 120 Volt, 60 Hz, AC only, 15 or 20 amp fused electrical supply is required. (Timedelay fuse is

recommended.) ft is recommended that a separate circuit serving only this appliance be provided.


Electrical Shock Hazard

Improper use of the grounding plug can result In a risk of electrical shock DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, REMOVE THE POWER SUPPLY CORD GROUNDING PRONG.

6.For your personal safety, this appliance must be grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electrical shock by providing an escape wire for the eiectrii current. This appliance is equipped with a polarized 3prong grounding plug. It must be plugged into a correctly polarized mating 3-prong grounding type wall receptacle, properly installed and grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code and focal codes and ordi- nances. ff a mating wail receptacle is not available or if you are not sure if the wall receptacle is properly grounded and polarized, have ff checked by a qualified electrician.

&prong groundlng type wall raceptede

3-prong groundlng

To test the oven, plug it into the proper electrical outlet. Put about one cup (250mL) of cold water in a glass container in the oven.

Close the door. Make sure if latches. Follow the directions on page 12 to set the oven to cook for 2 minutes. When the time is up, the water shouki be heated.

It is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to have a properly grounded and correctly polarized 3-prong wall receptacle installed by a qualified electrician.

Consult a qualified electrician if the ground- ing instructions are not completely understood, or if doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly grounded.

ft is not recommended to use an exten- sion cord with your mlcrowave oven, but if you find it necessary to do so temporarily (until a properly grounded and polarized 3- prong receptacle is Installed), use only a heavy duty UL listed I-wire grounding type extensfon cord containing three Is-gauge (minimum) copper wires. ft must not be longer than 10 feet (cords longer than 10 feet may affect the -king performance of your micro- wave oven). The plug on the extension cord must fft into a 3-prong grounding type wall receptacle (as shown on this page) and the receptacle end of the extension cord must accept the 3-prong grounding plug of the microwave oven.

8.This mkxowave oven is designed for use In the household only and must not be used for commercial purposes.

Do not remove the door, control panel or cabinet at any time. The unit is equipped with high voftage and shoukf be serviced by an

authorized Whirl@” service technician.



Image 25 Contents
Use& CareGuide Contents Properly, or if it has been damaged or Test dlnnerware or cookware before usingInterlocks You are responsible forDoor N-4 GettingAcquainted MicrowaveovenfeaturesSee page 30 for more details Model and Serial Number PlateGettlng Acqualnted Controlpanel featuresCook at high power Use the Minute TimerCook at lower powers QuickreferencecookingguideIf you want to Cook with Auto Cook Command Pad of your choiceDefrost Cooking with more than one cook cyclePause during cooking If you want to Add a minute to your cookingMicrowaveovencontrols UsingYourMicrowaveOvenUsingthe Minute Timer Settingthe clockAbove Cookingat highcookpower UsingSTOP/CLEARUsln Your Microwave Oven Cont Bnued Cookingat lower cookpowers Usln Your Mlcrowave Oven Contkued UsingAUTOCOOKSElTlNGAMOUNT AutocookchartUsln Your Mlcrowave Oven Cant Bnued DefrostingSetting Amount Procedure Auto defrost chartCookingwith morethan one cookcycle Changlng or addlng lnstructlons Ezt Yzy Microwave Oven One-TouchCooking UsingADDMINUTE Uslng Your Microwave Oven Contmued Mm‘@* m UsingPAUSETo avold sickness and food waste when using Auto Start UsingAUTOSTARTInstalling your microwaveoven InstallationInstructionsPowu supply oord Air Intake openha Whirlpool CorporationElectricalrequirements 5GROUNDING.INSTRUCTIONSTo clean turntable and turntable support CleaningthemicrowaveovenCaringForYourMicrowaveOven HowYourMicrowaveOvenWorks Stlr before heating OperatingSafetyPrecautionsPage Operatlng Safety Precautlons Contlnued Product Damage Hazard GeneralinformationOr Mm CookingGuide Reheatingchart1Rlbs MicrowavecookingchartQuestionsanswers QuestionsAndAnswersWesuggestyou follow these steps IfYouNeedServiceOrAssistancem=WHIRLPOOL@ MicrowaveOvenWarranty