Grizzly G0569, G0568 owner manual Blade Information, 7aVYZLYi 8jiic\GVYjh, GV`Zg H`e =dd`

Page 42

Blade Information

HZaZXi^c\ i]Z g^\]i WaVYZ gZfj^gZh V `cdlaZY\Z d[i]ZkVg^djhWaVYZX]VgVXiZg^hi^XhidbViX]i]Z WaVYZl^i]i]ZeVgi^XjaVgXjii^c\deZgVi^dc#

Blade Length

BZVhjgZYWni]ZX^gXjb[ZgZcXZ!WaVYZaZc\i]hVgZ jhjVaanjc^fjZidi]ZWgVcYd[ndjgWVcYhVlVcY i]ZY^hiVcXZWZilZZcl]ZZah#I]ZBdYZa<%*+-$ <%*+.^hYZh^\cZY[dgWaVYZhi]ViVgZ&,.¶&-' adc\#GZ[ZgidPage 43[dgWaVYZgZeaVXZbZcih#

Blade Width

BZVhjgZY[gdbi]ZWVX`d[i]ZWaVYZidi]Zi^ed[ i]ZWaVYZiddi]i]Zl^YZhied^ci!WaVYZl^Yi]^h d[iZci]Z[^ghiXdch^YZgVi^dc\^kZcidWaVYZhZaZX" i^dc#7aVYZl^Yi]Y^XiViZhi]ZaVg\ZhiVcYhbVaaZhi XjgkZi]ViXVcWZXji!VhlZaaVh]dlVXXjgViZan^i XVcXjiVhigV^\]ia^cZ#

I]Z BdYZa <%*+-$<%*+. XVc jhZ WaVYZh [gdb

&¿)id&&¿'^cl^Yi]#6alVnhe^X`i]Zh^oZd[WaVYZ i]ViWZhihj^ihndjgVeea^XVi^dc#

™ Curve Cutting:JhZi]ZX]Vgi^cFigure 54 id YZiZgb^cZi]ZXdggZXiWaVYZ[dgXjgkZXjii^c\# 9ZiZgb^cZi]ZhbVaaZhigVY^jhXjgkZi]Vil^aa WZ Xji dc ndjg ldg`e^ZXZ VcY jhZ i]Z Xdg" gZhedcY^c\WaVYZl^Yi]#



Figure 54.7aVYZl^Yi]gVY^^#

™ Straight Cutting: JhZ i]Z aVg\Zhi l^Yi] WaVYZ i]Vi ndj dlc# CVggdl WaVYZh XVc Xji i^\]iXjgkZhVhbVaagVY^jhWjiVgZcdikZgn \ddY Vi Xjii^c\ higV^\]i a^cZh WZXVjhZ i]Zn cVijgVaanlVcYZgWaVYZaZVY#=dlZkZg!aVg\" ZgWaVYZhVgZbjX]WZiiZgViXjii^c\higV^\]i a^cZh! Wji [jcXi^dc eddgan Vi Xjii^c\ hbVaa XjgkZhWZXVjhZd[i]Z^gh^oZ#

Tooth Style

L]Zc hZaZXi^c\ WaVYZh! Vcdi]Zg dei^dc id Xdc" h^YZg^hi]Zh]VeZ!\jaaZih^oZ!iZZi]hZiVcYiZZi] Vc\aZ di]Zgl^hZ`cdlcVh¸Iddi]HinaZ#Figure 55 h]dlh i]Z i]gZZ bV^c XViZ\dg^Zh d[ iddi] hinaZ/

GV`Zg H`^e =dd`

Figure 55.GV`Zg!H`^e=dd`iddi]hinaZh#

™ Raker: I]^h hinaZ ^h Xdch^YZgZY id WZ i]Z hiVcYVgY WZXVjhZ i]Z iddi] h^oZ VcY h]VeZ VgZ i]Z hVbZ Vh i]Z iddi] \jaaZi# I]Z iZZi] dc gV`Zg WaVYZh jhjVaan VgZ kZgn cjbZgdjh! ]VkZ cd Vc\aZ! VcY egdYjXZ Xjih Wn hXgVe" ^c\ i]Z bViZg^Va0 i]ZhZ X]VgVXiZg^hi^Xh gZhjai ^ckZgnhbddi]Xjih!WjiYdcdiXji[VhiVcY \ZcZgViZbdgZ]ZVil]^aZXjii^c\#

™ Skip: I]^h hinaZ ^h h^b^aVg id V gV`Zg WaVYZ i]Vi ^h b^hh^c\ ZkZgn di]Zg iddi]# 7ZXVjhZ d[ i]Z YZh^\c! h`^e iddi]ZY WaVYZh ]VkZ V bjX] aVg\Zg \jaaZi i]Vc gV`Zg WaVYZh! VcY i]ZgZ[dgZ!Xji[VhiZgVcY\ZcZgViZbdgZ]ZVi# =dlZkZg!i]ZhZWaVYZhVahdaZVkZVgdj\]Zg Xjii]VcgV`ZgWaVYZh#



Image 42
Contents Industrial Bandsaw Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Contact Info IntroductionManual Accuracy Machine DescriptionIdentification 47-5/8 x 31-1/4 x 83-1/2 Switch836 lbs 41-3/8 x 23-1/21-1/2 181180 181-1/2 Ball BearingMachine 31-1/4 x 47-5/8 x 83-1/2Wood Slat Crate 962 lbsBdYZa%*+-$%*+.B\#&%$%  Safety Safety Instructions for MachineryKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away Additional Safety Instructions for Bandsaws Blade Speed aadl WaVYZ id gZVX jaa heZZYWZdgZXjiic\#Circuit Requirements To rewire the Model G0569 for 440V opera- tion 440V Conversion 9H8DCC8I76C9H6LGDBEDLG Unpacking SetupNeeded for Setup Description QtyInventory Box 1 Figure QtyAdX`LVhZgh&bb############################## Hardware Recognition Chart H9692-Orange Power Cleaner & Degreaser CleanupBefore cleaning, gather the following ™ 9hedhVWaZGV\h VcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ#Site Considerations Bcbjbldg`c\XaZVgVcXZh# BdYZa%*+-$%*+.B\#&%$% Moving & Placing Base Unit To move and place the bandsaw using the eye boltsTo move and place the bandsaw using wood shims  JcWdaiiZWVcYhVlgdbiZeVaaZi#Riser Blocks To install the riser blocksMounting to Shop Floor 6cXdgHijY AV\HZaYliAV\7daiFenceHandwheel To install the fenceTo install the handwheel =VcYlZZa =VcYaZDust Collection Blade Tracking To connect a dust collection hoseTo center track the blade Changes in the blade tension may change the blade tracking GdjcY Power Connection GZbdkZiZhXgZlhhZXjgc\iZedlZghje eaniZgbcVaWdm# CXdbc\ IdBV\cZiX  HliX &EEdlZgTest Run To test run the machine 8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ# 12. IgnidijgciZbVXcZON# 10. 8adhZiZjeeZgVcYadlZglZZaXdkZgh# dcPage 24#  BV`ZhjgZiZWaVYZVhjaanhideeZY!deZcTo set the positive stop Table Stop CalibrationTable Tilt Calibration To calibate the table tilt pointerAligning Table 8VehXgZlhhZXjgc\iVWaZidigjc Cdc#Aligning Fence To align the fence parallel with the miter slotTo calibrate the pointer Pointer CalibrationMiter Gauge To calibrate the miter gaugeTensioning Blade Adjusting Blade Guide BearingsTo adjust the upper blade guides To tension the bandsaw bladeGdiVidc7dai GdY7dai 6hhnHXgZl JYZ 7ZVgc\h 7ZVgc\JYZ7adX` Hjeedgi7ZVgc\Adjusting Support Bearings To adjust the lower blade guidesTo adjust the upper support bearing AajhigViZYc # WZVgc\Xdcigdahhdlcc # To adjust the lower support bearingVYjhibZcihVi ihcdiVagZVYnaddhZ# XdggZXianiZchdcZY# WZVgc\ZY\Z#Operations OverviewFoot Brake Key Switch %*+-$%*+.XdcigdaeVcZa#To adjust guide post Guide Post RippingTo make a rip cut CrosscuttingResawing To make a 90˚ crosscutTo correct blade lead Cutting CurvesBlade Lead To shift the tableTo tilt the table Table TiltStacked Cuts  HZXjgZiZiVWaZiaiadX`aZkZg#GV`Zg H`e =dd` Blade Information7aVYZLYi 8jiic\GVYjh IZ BdYZa %*+-$%*+. XVc jhZ WaVYZh gdbTooth Pitch Most common causes of blade breakage areBlade Changes To remove a bladeTo replace a blade Accessories NZegdiZXidcVhhdgibZci# =ZVgc\egdiZXidcVhhdgibZci#H2993-4-Pc Machinist Square Set G1163-1HP Dust CollectorG1928-Bandsaw Handbook H7529-Complete Re-saw FenceG7315-Super Heavy-Duty EAB8AJ™ Mobile Base YjhiXdaaZXidcXdbedcZcihdgbVXcZhli Yjhiedgih# =&%H7874-Ceramic Guide Set for 21 & 24 Bandsaws LZkZVcYeX`ZYVhZaZXidcdXdbbdcanjhZYMaintenance To lubricate the blade tracking knob To lubricate the tension adjustment assem- blyTo lubricate the blade guide rack and pinion  GZVYjhi igVX`c\ hZZ Blade Tracking dc Page 21#VcYhVlYjhiWjaYjegdbiZgVX`# To lubricate the table tilt rack and pinion assembly BdkZiZiVWaZjeidihbVmbjb*ßVc\aZ VcYecdcVhhZbWan#Service TroubleshootingHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc WaVYZ\jYZh# BVXcZVh KWZaiiZchdccXdggZXi# \iZcKWZai#HZZPage# I\iZcdggZeaVXZWaVYZ# # AddhZbVXcZXdbedcZci# WaVYZ## 7aVYZigVX`c\hcXdggZXi# VcYWVhZ# # BZiVaWjgghdcigjccdc# # GZbdkZWjggh## 6YjhiWVYZiZchdcVhgZfjgZY# GZeaVXZiZWaVYZPage 42#DgiZWaVYZ HeZZYhlgdc\# JhZ## GZeaVXZgjWWZgigZh# Idldg`eZXZPage 30#To check the V-belts Checking Tensioning V-BeltsTools NeededQty To tension the V-beltsReplacing V-Belt Adjusting Wheel Blade BrushesTo adjust the brushes To replace the V-beltIZchdc 6YjhibZci HXgZl ?VbCji LZZa7adX` EaViZ To adjust the tension leverChangesdcPage 42# VYjhibZcihXgZl#  I\iZciZVbcji#9hiVcXZ7  I\iZciZhXgZlhhdlcc #EdhijYZ AddhZc ZVX d iZ djg hXgZlh hdlc cVcYiZ\jYZedhiWgVX`ZihZZ # Hb7 GVbZHb6 JYZ JYZComponents and Hardware Needed Qty Gauge Tracking Knob Wheels Adjustment HubWheel Alignment To check if your wheels are coplanarIai Parallel, Not Not Parallel Adjust Coplanar Not CoplanarIdeIai Iai 7diidbIaiWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsG0568 Wiring Diagram G0569 Wiring Diagram Parts Main% &% +, -+ +% +& + + + +* ++ + .- &% + * , .& % Main Parts List DescriptionLocate Plate + &+ Guide Post BdYZa%*+-$%*+.B\#&%$% Blade Guides +& + ++ + +& +- *.6 +& ,.6Label Placement 8VWcZiBV`Zg TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcYTTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZgHZcYVgooan8ViVad\idVgZcY EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  DA96ADC9DII9AC22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY
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