‘- ovenshelves
Oven shelves may be cleaned with a mild abrasive cleanser following manufacturer’sdirections. After cleaning, rinse the shelves with clean water and dry with a clean cloth. To
soil, soapymetalpadsmaybeused followingmanufacturer’sdirections. Afterscrubbing,washwithsoapy water,rinseanddry.
Althoughwedonotrecommend thatyouleavetheshelvesinthe ovenduringa
oven LightBulb
Thelightbulbis locatedin the upperleftcornerof the oven. Beforereplacingthebulb, disconnectelectricpowerto the rangeat the mainfuseor circuit
— breakerpanelor unplugthe range _ fromthe electricoutlet. Letthe
bulbcoolcompletelybefore removingit. Do nottoucha hot bulbwitha dampclothas the bulb willbreak.
Toreplacea burned-outMb:
Hold hand under lamp bulb cover so it doesn’t fall when released. lJnscrewthe screwsholdingthe lampcoverin place,detachthe coverand remove the bulb. Replace it with a new
Youcan removetheovenbottom to cleananyexcessivespillovers
LRemove the oven shelves.
2.Slidethe catchat eachrear cornerof the oventowardyou.
3.Liftthe rear edgeof the oven bottomslightly,slideit backuntil holesin the frontedgeof the oven bottomclear thepinsin the oven frontframe, andtakethe oven bottomout.
Fit holes onto pins, lower rear of oven bottom gently, and slide the catches back to lock the oven bottom into place.
Theovendoor is removableto makethe interiormoreaccessible duringreplacementof the lamp bulb.
Toreplacetheovendoor: Openthedoora fewinchesto the specialstoppositionthat willhold it open. Graspfirmlyon eachside and lifi the doorstraightup and off the hinges.
Note:Be carefulnotto placehands betweenthe springhingeandthe ovendoor frame. The hingecould snapbackandpinchfingers.
Do not immersethedoor in water.
Makesure thehingesare in the “out” position.Positionthe slots in the bottomof thedoor squarely overthe hinges.Thenlowerthe door slowlyandevenlyoverboth hingesat the sametime. If hinges snapbackagainstthe ovenframe, pullthembackout.