Stow MS-93 manual White

Page 34









Insufficient power output

Malfunction in cooling fan?

Check or replace cooling fan.



"compression" and overheats

Air in-take filter clogged?

Clean or replace air in-take filter.






Over accumulation of exhaust

Clean and check valves.

Burns to much fuel


Check muffler, replace if necessary.




Wrong spark plug?

Replace spark plug with manufactures suggested type spark plug.





Lubricating oil is wrong

Replace lubricating oil with correct viscosity.

Exhaust color is continiously






Worn rings?

Replace rings






Air cleanner clogged?

Clean or replace air cleaner.





Choke valve has not been set

Adjust choke valve to the correct position.

Exhaust color is continiously

to the correct position?







Carburetor defective, seal on

Replace carburetor or seal.


carburetor broken?






Poor carburetor adjustment

Adjust carburetor.


"engine runs too rich?





PAGE 34 — STOW MS-93 MIXER — OPERATION MANUAL — REV. #5 (03/26/10)

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Contents Model MS-93 Page Heres HOW to GET Help Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Table of Contents Direct TOLL-FREE access Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Specifications Stow MS-93 Mixer SpecificationsStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Dimensions DimensionsBurn Hazards Respiratory HazardsStow MS-93 Mixer Safety Message Alert Symbols Rotating Parts HazardsStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Rules for Safe Operation Read this manualStand Clear Mixer when in useMaintenance TransportingTow Bar to Vehicle Connection Coupler Only Towing Safety PrecautionsStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Towing Guidelines ReplacingAlways Tow with Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Safety Chain ConnectionWhen Towing Tow Bar to Mixer ConnectionMS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Operation and Safety Decals Machine Safety DecalsEngine Maintenance Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer General InformationStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Basic Mixer Components Mixer ComponentsFuel Hazard ExplosiveBurn Hazard Electric Motor Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Electric MotorElectric Motor Connection Electric Motor Voltage Switch Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Electric MotorStow MS-93 Paddle Blade Adjustment Steel Drum Inspection Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer InspectionBefore Starting Engine Oil CheckStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Inspection General Safety Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer START-UP ProceduresRespiratory Hazard MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer START-UP Procedures Preventing Drum TippingDump Handle Safety Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer OPERATION/SHUT-DOWNStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Maintenance Engine Engine Maintenance ScheduleStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Maintenance Engine HazardStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Maintenance Mixer Stow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Maintenance Mixer Main Gear and Drive Pinion AlignmentTires Wear/Inflation Tires/Wheels/Lug NutsDamaged Wheels Eyesight HazardLug Nut Torque Requirements Start all wheel lug nuts by handKeep Hands Mixer CleaningSuspension Mixer StorageStow MS-93 PLASTER/MORTAR Mixer Troubleshooting Engine Engine TroubleshootingWhite Stow MS-93 Troubleshooting MIXER/ELECTRIC Motor Mixer TroubleshootingStow MS-93 Mixer Wiring Diagram Electric Motor Electric Motor Wiring DiagramPage Book Items Found In the Remarks ColumnStow MS-93 Mixer Suggested Spare Parts With Honda GX240K1HA2 EngineNameplate and Decals DECAL, Towing Instructions DECAL, Safety InstructionsDECAL, Warning Safety Grate DECAL, Push to Stop CIPDCL160 DECAL, Crush WarningFrame Assy Cotter PIN Safety ChainLOCK, PIN Spring Locking PINPaddle Shaft Assy WASHER, Flat 1/2 Paddle ShaftINSERT, Paddle ARM BOLT, END PaddlesStow MS93 Mixer Steel Drum Assy Steel Drum AssyPurchased Drum Bearing BracketCAP, Dust CAP, Grease FittingStow MS93 Mixer Drum & Paddle Shaft Complete Assy Drum and Paddle Shaft Complete AssyBearing Sealed Stow MS93 Mixer Drum & Paddle Shaft Complete AssyDRUM, Steel Axle Assy Tire and RIM, Carlise Dust CAPLUG Nuts Castle NUTStow MS93 Mixer Engine Assy RING, Retainer Flat Washer 3/8Pillow Block Bearing Pinion GearStow MS93 Mixer Electric Motor Assy Electric Motor 2 HP WASHER, Lock 5/16Cabinet Assy Items W SWITCH, PUSH-PULLWire Harness Rubber ProtectorAIR Cleaner Assy GROMMET, AIR Cleaner ELEMENT, AIR CLEANER, DualCOVER, AIR Cleaner COLLAR, AIR CleanerCamshaft Assy ROD Push SPRING, Weight ReturnCamshaft ARM Valve RockerCarburetor Assy Valve SET, Float PLATE, Lever SettingGasket SET Float SETControl Assy SPRING, Governor ARM, GovernorROD, Governor SPRING, Throttle ReturnCrankcase Cover Assy PIN, Governor Weight WEIGHT, GovernorHOLDER, Governor Weight Type BalancerCrankshaft Assy Weight Balancer Cylinder Barrel Assy BOLT, Drain Plug Switch ASSY., OIL LevelSHAFT, Governor ARM Ring 14MM AraiCylinder Head Assy CLIP, Valve Guide GUIDE, VALVE, OS, OptionalGUIDE, EX. VALVE, OS, Optional GASKET, Cylinder HeadFAN Cover Assy CLIP, Tube Switch ASSY., Engine StopCLIP, Wire Harness ShroudFlywheel Assy NUT, Special 16MM FAN, CoolingFlywheel Comp KEY, Special WoodruffMuffler Assy PROTECTOR, EX. Pipe MufflerPROTECTOR, Muffler PIPE, EXFuel Tank Assy Tank COMP., Fuel *NH1*, Black Rubber Supporter 107MMJOINT, Fuel Tank GASKET, Fuel Filler CAPIgnition Coil Assy Coil ASSY., Ignition GROMMET, WireWIRE, Stop Switch 370MM CAP ASSY., Noise SuppressorPiston Assy Ring SET, PISTON, 0.75, Optional BOLT, Connecting RODRing SET, PISTON, STD PISTON, StandardRecoil Starter Assy SPRING, Friction PULLEY, Recoil StarterRATCHET, Starter SPRING, Starter ReturnGear Reduction Assy SHAFT, P.T.O. H- Type GEAR, Primary Drive 17TCountershaft Shim a OptionalLabel Assy MARK, CAUTION, External Labels AssyEMBLEM, Internal LABEL, CautionTerms And Conditions Of Sale Stow Construction Equipment Page HERE’S HOW to GET Help