Status |
| Check list |
WhenMotormotorstops duringstops inuse. | Check if the cord is plugged properly |
| |
- Check if the power cord is plugged in properly |
| ||
middle of using. | - CheckCheckififallallpartspartsareareassembledassembledcorrectlycorrectly. |
| |
| - It may not work if lots of juicing materials are inserted at the same time. | |||
| It might not work if lots of materials are inserted at the same time. |
| ||
| - When appliance stops in the middle of operation then turn the switch to “OFF” | |||
| When | appliance stops in middle of operation then turn the switch to“OFF” and | ||
| and press “REVERSE” switch to unclog the materials in the Vertical Auger. Then | |||
| press“REVERSE” switch to unclog the materials in the juicing screw. Then press | |||
| press the “FORWARD” switch to push the materials down. |
| ||
| the“FORWARD” switch to push the materials down the screw. (Repeat the steps 3 | |||
| (Repeat this step 3 times) |
| |
| times) |
| - Turn the switch to “OFF” and place the Main Body in a cool area. Let appliance | |||
| area. Let | |
| Turnrest fortheanswitchhourtoto“OFF”coolanddownplacethethemotormotorandaroundwork againcool temperature. | |||
| - applianceRemove allresttheforhardn hourseedsin inorderthetojuicingwork againmaterials. | before juicing. Hard seeds | ||
| may break down the juicing screen. |
| |
| When | using the materials with the hard seed in it, please remove all the seeds in | ||
| the materials to use. It may break down the juicing strainer. |
AAmountount ofofjuicejuiceisislittle | erent amount of juice depends on how fresh they are. |
| - To extract more juice out of the refrigerated materials, soak foods in clean |
too little. | To extract more juice out of the refrigerated materials, put it in the clean water and |
water before juicing. | |
| wait until the materials are most enough to be extracted. |
-Check if the Pressure Plug is assembled properly.
ber which it is hard to extract, to get a best result extract carrot
ber materials. Such as, pears and oranges. Please cut the carrots into quarterly to get a best result.
Check if the pressure silicon is assembled properly.
When you extract a lot of amount juice with seeded fruits, wash the bowl in the middle of extraction.
Juicing bowl is shaking in the | It is completely normal thatthejuicing bowl is shaking little bit in operation. | |||
Juice Container is | - It is completely normal if | juice container is shaking a little bit during | ||
operation. |
| |||
middleshakingof operationin the middle. |
| |||
| |
of operation. |
SeemsSeemslikelikejuicingVerticalscrew is | - JuicingVerticalscrewAugerandandstrainerJuicingis Screenstick together,are stuckso dotogether,not operateso dofornota loperateng timeforwhena | |||
Auger is grinding. | therelong istimenothingwithoutto befeedingxtractany. foods. | |||
grinding. |
HearingHearingaalotlotofofnoises. | - Turnrn thetheswitchswitchtoto“OF“OFF”” thenthencheckcheckif theif thepartspartsareareassembledassembledproproperlyerly. | |||
sounds coming from | - Check if the appliance is operating on an uneven surface. | |||
Check | if the appliance is on uneven surface. | |||
the machine. | - There may be squeaky friction noise while in use. This is a normal sound that | |||
There | might be friction noise while in use. This is the sound of wiping in the juicing | |||
| occurs, and user should not worry about it. | |||
| bowl. After inserting materials, noise will disappear. | |||
| - Check if juicing materials are cut in the right sizes. | |||
| Check | if materials are cut in right portion. |
Status |
| Check list |
BoundaryJuice is spilledappearsoutinonjuice. |
| after extraction. | |
- ThereIt maymighthappenbe ifa boundarythe Pressurein juicePlugbecauseis not assembledof aterial’sproperlydensity. | |||
the appliance body. | Please checkrentiffrompressurehighplugspeedisextractionassembledsoproperlythat juice. is normal condition. | ||
Spilled out on the | It might happen if the pressure silicon is not assembled properly. |
| |
After extraction, the | Please check if pressure silicon is assembled properly. |
| |
appliancecolor of thebodyJuicing. |
| ||
clean and may even result in performance resistance. |
| ||
parts and Juice Container |
are changed. | and warm water. |
| |
| ||
| - Disassemble Silicone Wiping Blades and wash them separately. | ||
After the extraction, the |
| cult to clean as | |
parts and bowl color are | well as the reason of the performance resistance. | ect the color of | |
changed. |
| ||
| rst and then use soap. | ||
| ||
| Dissemble | silicones from wiper and you are able to wash them separately. |
Fruitstar Juicer Registration
Tribest Corp.
Cerritos, CA 90703