REQUIRES; Phillips #2 Screwdriver.
1.Unplug the unit from the electrical outlet (if connected)and lay it on its beck,
2.Remov_thescrewsfrom thetower Hinge
3, Pull the doordownward to remove it from the cabinet of the Wine Cooler,
4.Remove the upper hinge pin from the top rightside of the cabinet and reinstall It on the top left side°
5_ Remove the plasticcap from the right side of the door frame and reinstallit on the left side
of the door frame (the previouspin location),
6.Carefullyrepositlonthe door on the cabinet and push up until the tophinge pin is inserted into the top of the doon
7.While the door remainsclosed Install the lower hinge assembly.
8.Close tha door and returnthe unitto its uptight position(walt 60 minutes before re- connecting power to the Wine Cooler), verifythe door alignmentand proper seal againstthe cabinet.
Upper Hinge Pin
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Lower *hi'n_gA.;_mbly and Door Support Bracket
Ensure all screws and fittings are tightly fastened and that the door is squarely aligned with the cab- inet before using. Adjust if nacessary,