Setting The Temperature Control;
The temperature of the Wine Cooler Is controlled
by adJusUng/settthgthe thermoslat control knob, located on Lheexterior rear wail of the cabinet.
To start the Wtne Coo!er and achieve maximum
cootlng quickly;
•Turn the temperature control knob clockwise to the furthest 'Max'(maximum) setting on the wider blue section of the graduated control dial.
Walt 3 to 5 minutes before restarting If opera-
tion has been Interrupted
Turn the control to the "O" (off) position to tem-
porarilydisconnectthe coolingcycle. When the Wine Cooler ts not to be used for a long pedod of
time, disconnect the plug and leave the door par-
tially open
Allow the unit to run at this setting for
• When maximum coolingis achieved, turn back the temperature control knob setting to the 10 o'clockposltfon on the graduated blue controldial See fig.B.
To turnoff the Wine Cooler, (no cooithg) rotate the control knob to the "O"(off)
position Sea rigA
Your Wine Cooler Is designed with an "Auto- Cycle" defrost system. What Is Auto Cycle defrost?
The refrigerated surfaces defrost automatically
during the "off" cycle of the cold conltol. (thermo-
stat) Defrost water ts disposed of automatically, by means of being channeled onto a drip tray located on the compressor. Heat transfer from
the compressor causes the defrost water to evaporate.
Fig. A | Fig.B |
tf you move, remove or
securely fasten down all
Vacation Time
For short vacation periods, leave the controI knobs at
their usual settings During longer absences;
1, Remove alt bottles,
3_ Clean the Wine Cooler thoroughly.
4, Leave the door open to avotd formallons of
condensate, mold or odors.
loose Items inside the Wine
2. Disconnect from
Cooler, To avoid damaglng
electrical outlet.
the leveling screws, turn them aII the way Into the base