Before You Call For Service
No Power.
Possible Cause What to do
A fuse in your home may Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker, be blown or the circuit
breaker _ppad,
Cabinet Temperature too High.
Condensation on the cabinet andtor doors.
Power surge+ | Unplug the Wine Cooler,wait a | |
| few seconds and then plug It back in, |
Plugnot fullyInserted into | Make sure the | |
wail outlet, |
| inserted into outlet, |
Temperature | setting, | Vedfy the temperature control satttng |
| and adjust if neccessary, |
Door not shut properly | Ensure that the door is fully closed | |
or opened | excessively, | and that the gasket Is sealing against |
| the cabinets Open the doors only as |
| needed and for short pededs of time, |
Recently added a large | Limit the quantity of warm beverages | |
quantity of warm beverages | being introduced to the cabinet at the | |
to the cabinet, | same time. Attempt to stagger the | |
| load introductionIf possible. |
High humtdltyconditions | The condensationwlil subside once | |
in the home. | humidity conditions return to normal, | |
Door not shut properly | Ensure that the door is fully closed | |
or opened excessively, | and that the gasket is sealing against | |
| the cabinets, Open the door only as |
| needed and for short padodsof time. |
If none of the above has rectified the situation please contact our customer care department at