This Owr_er'sGuide provides specific operatir_g
ir_structior_s for your model. Use the refrigerator only as
ir_structed in this Use & Care Manual. Before starting the
refrigerator, follow these important first steps,
Choose a place that is r_eara grour_ded electrical outlet. Do Not use an extension cord or ar_adapter plug.
If possible, place the refrigerator out of direct sunlight and away from the rar_ge, dishwasher or other heat
The refrigerator must be ir_stalledor_a floor that is level and stror_g enough to support a fully loaded refrigerator.
Consider water supply availabilfty for models equipped with an automatic ice maker.
Instalta#on Clearances
Allow the following clearances for ease of ir_stallation, proper air circulation, and plumbing and electdcal cormections:
Sides & Top | 3/8" |
Back | 1" |
Your refrigerator should be positioned to allow easy access to a courtter wher_ removing food. For best use of drawers and freezer baskets, the refrigerator should be in a position where both the refrigerator and freezer doors car_ be fully opened.
To Remove Toe Grille:
1.Oper_freezer arid fresh feed compartmert deers.
2.Wor_dr_gfrom lef_side of_oe grille, slip your fir_gersbetween topof_oe grilleand cabir_et.Genlly pull forvtard unUIffrstset of tabs arafrae. Slideyour handdov_ past _e free tabsarid pull forwa_l again unUIbheeecor_dset of tabs arefTee.Continue this processur_UIall tabs are free and the toe grille car_be removed. (See graphic at top of page ir_right columr_.)
To Install Toe Grille:
1.Open fraezer and fresh food compartmertt doors.
2.Line up toe grille at base of refrigerator,
mak:ing sure the four bottom tabs are
resting through holes at base of cabfnet.
3.Startfr_g from left sfde
of toe grflle, press in on ffret top tab using your thumb and push toe gdlle forward untfl ftstraps fr_place. Cor_IJnue this process urttflall tabs arasnapped ir_place arid toe grflle is secured to refrfgerator.
All four comers of your refrigerator must rest firmly on a solfd floor. Your refrigerator is equipped with adjustable front rollers to help level your ur_it.To er_suraproper door seal arid assist door cleeir_g, the refrigerator should be tilted 1/'4"(6 ram), frortt to back.
To Level Your Refrigerator:
1.Remove toe grille. (See "To Remove Toe Gd//e".)
. Check both doors to be sure seals touch cabinet on all four sides.