ABOUT RICE Courtesy of the USA Rice Federation
For recipes and rice information visit the USA Rice Federation online at www.usarice.com/consumer.
Rice is the perfect foundation for today’s healthier eating. It is a
There are many different varieties of rice available in the market. Your Aroma® Rice Cooker can cook any type perfectly every time. The following are the commonly available varieties of rice and their characteristics:
Long Grain Rice | Brown Rice |
This rice has a long, slender kernel | Brown rice is a 100% whole grain food |
three to four times longer than its | that fits the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for |
width. Due to its starch composition, | Americans recommendation to |
cooked grains are more separate, light | increase daily intake of whole grains. |
and fluffy compared to medium or | Brown rice contains the |
short grain rice. The majority of white | bran and inner germ layer where |
rice is enriched to restore nutrients lost | many beneficial compounds are |
during processing. Great for entrees | found. Brown rice is available in short, |
and side dishes – rice bowls, | medium and long grain varieties and |
salads and pilafs. | can be used interchangeably with |
Medium Grain Rice | enriched white rice. |
When compared to long grain rice, | Wild Rice |
medium grain rice has a shorter, wider | Wild rice is an aquatic grass grown in |
kernel that is two to three times longer | Minnesota and California and is a |
than its width. Cooked grains are | frequent addition to long grain rice |
more moist and tender than long | pilafs and rice mixes. Its unique flavor, |
grain, and have a greater tendency to | texture and rich dark color provide a |
cling together. Great for entrees, | delicious accent to rice dishes. Wild |
sushi, risotto and rice puddings. | rice also makes a wonderful stuffing for |
Short Grain Rice | poultry when cooked with broth and |
mixed with your favorite dried fruits. | |
Short grain rice has a short, plump, |
almost round kernel. Cooked grains |
are soft and cling together, yet remain |
separate and are somewhat chewy, |
with a slight springiness to the bite. |
Great for sushi, Asian dishes and |
desserts. |