The Toro Company
IMPORTANT:Toobtain warrantycoverageownermust presentan original proofof purchaseand applicablemaintenancerecordsto the servicingdealer.
Pleasesee the operator'smanualfor informationon requiredmaintenanceand serviceintervals.
The limitedwarrantyset forth belowis givenby The Toro Company ("Toro") andThe Toro Warranty Company, pursuantto an agreementbetweenthem, withrespectto new merchandisepurchasedor leasedand usedin the United Statesand/or its territoriesand possessions,and byTorowith respectto new merchandisepurchasedorleasedand used inCanada and/orits territoriesand possession.
Torowarrantsthis product(excludingits Normal WearPartsand Batteries asdescribedbelow)against defectsin materialand workmanshipfor a periodoftwo (2) yearsor eighty (80)operationhours,whichevercomes first, commencingon the dateof original retail purchaseor leaseand will, at its option, repairor replace,free of charge,any partfound to be defectivein materialsor workmanship.
NormalWear Partsarewarrantedto be free from defects in materialand workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) daysfrom the dateof originalpurchase orlease.Normalwear parts include,butare not limitedto itemssuch as: belts, blades,bladeadapters,grass bags,rider deck wheels,seats,andtires.
Thislimitedwarrantyshallonly applyif this producthas been operatedand maintainedin accordancewiththeOperator'sManualfurnishedwiththe product,and has notbeen subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse,neglect, accident,impropermaintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire, water,or damagebecauseof other perilor naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom the installationor use of any part, accessoryorattachmentnotapprovedby Toro for usewith the product(s)coveredbythis manualwillvoid your warrantyas to any resultingdamage.In addition,Toromaydenywarrantycoverageif the hour meter,or any part thereof,is altered,modified,disconnectedor otherwise tamperedwith.
HOWTO OBTAIN SERVICE:Warrantyserviceis available,WITHPROOFOF PURCHASEAND APPLICABLEMAINTENANCERECORDS,throughyour localauthorizedservicedealer.Tolocatethe dealerinyour area:
In the U.S.A.or Canada:
CheckyourYellowPages,orcontact The Customer Care Department, The Toro Warranty Company at 8111Lyndale Avenue South, Bloomington,MN
(In Canada
Withoutlimitingthe foregoing,this limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoverage inthe followingcases:
a.Theengine or componentpartsthereof. Theseitemsmaycarry a separate
manufacturer'swarranty. Referto applicablemanufacturer'swarrantyfor terms and conditions.
b.Routinemaintenanceitemssuchas lubricants,filters, bladesharpening,
c.Servicecompletedbysomeoneotherthan an authorizedservicedealer.
d.Torodoes notextend any warrantyfor productssold or exportedoutside of the UnitedStates and/orCanada,andtheir respectivepossessionsand territories,exceptthosesold throughToro'sauthorizedchannelsof export distribution.
e.Replacementparts and/or accessoriesthat are notgenuineToroparts. f. Transportationchargesand servicecalls.
g.Torodoes notwarrantthis productfor commercialuse.
There are no impliedwarranties,includingwithout limitation any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranties shall apply after the applicable period of express written warranty above. No other express warranties beyond those mentioned above, given by any personor entity, includinga dealer or retailer,with respect to any product,shall bind Toro.The exclusive remedy is repair or replacement of the product as set forth above. The terms of this warranty provide the sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale and/or lease of the products covered hereby. Toro shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential loss or damage including,without limitation, expenses incurredfor substitute or replacement lawn care services or for rental expenses to temporarily replace a warranted product.
Somejurisdictionsdo not allowtheexclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitationson how longan impliedwarrantylasts, sothe aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay notapplyto you.
In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthanthe amountof the purchasepriceof the productsold. Alterationof safety features of the product shall void this warranty. Youassumethe riskand liabilityfor loss, damage,or injuryto you andyour propertyand/or to othersandtheir property arisingoutof the misuseor inabilityto use the product.
Thislimitedwarrantyshall notextend Io anyoneotherthan the original purchaserorto the personfor whom it was purchasedas a gift.
HOWLOCALLAWSRELATETOTHIS WARRANTY:Thislimitedwarranty givesyou specificlegal rights, andyou mayalso haveotherrightsthatvary in differentjurisdictions.
Customer Care Department of The Toro Warranty Company, 8111 Lyndale Ave. South, Bloomington, MN 55420=1196 or call (US) 1=888=384=9942, (Canada) 1=888=848=4073; www.toro.com