Installing the Agilent 81133A and 81134A
Check if the Agilent 81133A or 81134A shipping container contains the following standard deliverables:
The Agilent Pulse Generator
81133A or 81134A
This Getting Started Brochure
power cable
The Product CDs
USB cable
If the contents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage, or if the instrument does not work within its specifications, notify the nearest Agilent office. The Agilent office will arrange for repair or replacement without awaiting settlement.
Once you have plugged in the instrument, you can start using it.
Make sure you keep the ventilation holes free wherever you install the instrument.
The USB interface will be supported starting spring 2003.
Please visit our Web page for a free update of the firmware.
Please refer to the User Guide delivered on the Product CD if you need more information about working with the instrument.