Alwaysobservesafety rubs when per- forming any maintenance.
If tractor requiresmore than six (6)feet stopping distanceat highspeedin highest
gear,then brakemust be adjusted.(See "TOADJUSTBRAKE"in the Serviceand
Adjustmentssection of this manual). TmRES
,Maintain properair pressurein all tires (See "PRODUCTSPECIFICATIONS" sectionof this manual).
*Keeptires free of gasoline,oil, or insect controlchemicalswhichcan harm rub- ber.
*Avoidstumps,stones,deep ruts,sharp
objectsand other hazardsthat may causetire damage.
NOTE:Toseal tire puncturesand prevent flat tires due to slow leaks,tire sealant
maybe purchasedfrom your local parts
dealer.Tire sealant also preventstire dry rot and corrosion.
Besure operatorpresenceand interlock systems are working properly. If your trac- tor does not functionas described,repair the problemimmediately.
Theengine should not start unlessthe
clutch/brakepedal is fully depressed and attachementclutch control is in the
When the engine is running,any at- tempt bythe operatorto leavethe seat withoutfirst setting the parkingbrake should shut off the engine.
When the engine is runningand the attachmentclutch is engaged,any at- tempt bythe operatorto leavethe seat should shut off the engine.
The attachmentclutch should neverop- erate unlessthe operatoris in the seat.
For best resultsmowerblades must be
keptsharp. Replacebent or damaged blades.
1.Raisemowerto highestpositionto al- low accessto blades.
2.Removeblade bolt, lockwasherand flat washersecuring blade.
3.Install newor resharpenedblade
with trailing edge up towardsdeck as shown.
mlVlPORTANT:Toensure properassembly, center hole in blade mustalign with star on mandrelassembly.
4.Reassemblebladebolt, lockwasher and flat washer in exact orderas shown.
5.Tighten bladebolt securely
Lbs.torque). mMPORTANT:Bladebolt is heat treated.
If bolt needsreplacing,replace onlywith approvebolt shown in the Repair Parts.
Mandrel Ass
Edge UpCenter
Lock Washer
Blade Bolt
NOTE: We do not recommend sharp-
ening blade - but if you do, be sure the blade is balanced.
Care should be taken to keep the blade balanced. An unbalanced blade will cause excessive vibration and eventual damage to mower and engine.
The blade can be sharpened with a file or on a grinding wheel. Do not attempt to sharpen while on the mower.
To check blade balance, you will need a 5/8" diameter steel bolt, pin, or a cone balancer. (When using a cone balancer, follow the instructions supplied with batancer.)
NOTE: Do not use a nail for balancing blade. The lobes of the center hole may appear to be centered, but are not.
Slide blade on to an unthreaded portion of the steel bolt or pin and hold the bolt or pin parallel with the ground. If blade is balanced, it should remain in a horizontal position. If either end of the blade moves downward, sharpen the heavy end until the blade is balanced.
5/8" Bolt | Blade |
Pin |
Center | Hob |