Craftsman 917.273373 Limitedwarrantyon Craftsmanridingequipment, Limitedwarrantyon Battery

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Service andAdjustments












Repair Parts




Sears Service



Fortwo (2)years from the date of purchase,if this CraftsmanRiding Equipmentis maintained,lubricatedand tuned up accordingto the instructionsin the owner'smanual, Searswill repairor replacefree of chargeany partsthat are foundto be defectivein materialor workmanshipaccordingto the guidelinesof coveragelisted below.Searswill also providefree laborfor these applicablewarrantedpartsfor the two full years. During the first 30 days of purchase,there will be no chargesto servicethe productat your homefor issuescoveredby this warranty.(See exclusionsbelow). Foryour conve- nience, IN HOMEwarrantyservicewill still be availableafterthe first 30 days of pur- chase, buta trip chargewill apply.Thischargewill be waived if the Craftsmanproduct is droppedoff at an authorizedSears location.For the nearestauthorizedSears location, pleasecall 1-800-4-MY-HOME@.This warrantyapplies onlywhile this productis within the UnitedStates.

This Warrantydoes notcover:

,_ Expendableitemswhich becomeworn during normaluse, includingbut not limitedto blades,spark plugs,air cleaners,belts,and oil filters. StandardMaintenanceServicing,oil changes, or tune-ups

,,Tire replacementor repaircausedby puncturesfrom outsideobjects,such as nails, thorns,stumps,or glass.

,,Repairs necessarybecauseof operatorabuse, includingbut not limitedto, damage causedby towingobjectsbeyondthe capabilityof the riding equipment,impacting objectsthat bendthe frameor crankshaft,or over-speedingthe engine.

,,Repairs necessarybecauseof operatornegligence,includingbut not limitedto, elec- trical and mechanicaldamagecausedby improperstorage,failureto use the proper gradeand amount of engine oil, failureto keepthe deckclear of flammabledebris,

or failureto maintainthe equipmentaccordingto the instructionscontainedin the owner'smanual.

,,Engine (fuel system)cleaningor repairscausedby fuel determinedto be contami-

nated or oxidized(stale). In general,fuel should be used within30 days of its pur- chase date.

,,Normaldeteriorationand wear of the exteriorfinishes,or productlabel replacement.

,,Ridingequipmentusedfor commercialor rental purposes.


For ninety(90) daysfrom date of purchase,if any batteryincludedwith this riding equip- ment provesdefectivein materialor workmanshipand our testing determinesthe battery will not holda charge, Searswill replacethe batteryat no charge. Duringthe first 30 daysof purchase,there will be no chargesto replacethe batteryat your HOME. After the first 30 days,foryour convenience,IN-HOMEwarrantyservicewill still be avail- ablebut a trip chargewill apply. Thischarge will be waived if the Craftsmanproduct is droppedoff at an authorizedSears location.For the nearestauthorizedSears location, pleasecall 1-800-4-MY-HOME@.

This battery warrantyapplies onlywhile this productis withinthe UnitedStates.

This warrantygivesyou specificlegal rights,and you mayalso haveother rights,which vary,from state to state.

Sears, Roebuck and Co.,Dept.817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179


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Contents CRI Ftsmiin Sears, Roebuck and Co.,Dept.817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL Limitedwarrantyon CraftsmanridingequipmentLimitedwarrantyon Battery Slope Operation Taft grass can hide obstacles Do notPage PSI IAPFSG-SL SAERC12YC U1RSeat Install Steering Wheel AssemblyAssemble Extension Shaft and Boot Before REMOVmNG Tractor from Skid Attach STEERmNG WheelCheck Battery To Roll Tractor OFF SKiD SeeCheck Brake SYS.TEM Check Deck LevelnessALL Belts @@@@ Know Your Tractor TractorGround Drive STOPPmNGMower Blades EngineMents To Operate MowerTo Transport ADD Gasoune To Start EngineMowing Tips Mulching Mowing TipsBefore Each USE General RecommendationsBlade Removal OperatorpresencesystemBlade Care To Sharpen BladeBatt E RY To Clean Battery and TerminalsTransaxle Cooung To Change Engine OILSpark Plugs AIR RlterMuffler Tractor To Remove Mower SIDE-TO-SIDEADJUSTMENT To Replace Iower Blade DRmVE BeltFront Wheel TOE4N/CAMBER Tral AdjustmentIient TeryTo Replace Fuse To REMOVECABLES,REVERSE OrderTo Replace Headught Bulb SemblyFinal Setting To Adjust CarburetorPreliminary Setting Acceleration TestFuel System OtherCause Operator Leaves Seat With attach Ment Dutch Engaged Problem CauseLoss of power CorrectionRemove Obstruction Not rotate ProblemCORRECTmON Mower blades wiii CauseTractor o o Model Number SCHEMATmC REDTractor oo Model Number ELECTRmCAL Description Tractor Model NumberElectrical Tractor o o Model Number 917.273373 CHASSmS and Enclosures Tractor o Model Number 917.273373 CHASSmSAND Enclosures KEY Part NO. NO. DescriptionTractor - Model Number Ground Drive Tractor o o Model Number Ground DRmVE KEY Part DescriptionTractor Model Number 917.273373 Steeringassembly Tractor o o Model Number 917.273373 STEERmNG Assembly KEY PartKEY Tractor o o Model NumberOptional Seat Assembly KEY Part NO. NO,DESCRIPTIONDecals Tractor - Model NumberWheels & TmRES UFT Assembly Mower Deck Mowerdeck NO. NO. DESCRiPTiONPage KEY Part NO. no 20@ 6179 216 4311 513 Number TractorModel 917.273373 BRmGGS ENGmNE-MODEL544 692034 Page Suggested Guide for Sighting Slopes for Safe Operation To purchase Protection Agreement 193233 7.12.04 MH