Warranty Statement | 2 | Service and Maintenance | 19 | ||
Safety | Instructions | 3 | Storage | 30 | |
Slope | Guide | 8 | Accessories | and Attachments | 30 |
Safety | Labels | 9 | Troubleshooting | 31 | |
Assembly | 10 | Parts List | 34 | ||
Know your Lawn Mower | 13 | Espa_oi | 62 | ||
Operation | 16 | Service Numbers | Back Cover |
Whenoperatedand maintainedaccordingto allsuppliedinstructions,if any
Allof the abovewarrantycoverageappliesfor onlyone yearfromthedateof purchaseif this ridingequipmentis everusedfor commercialor rentalpurposes.
in allcases,if repairprovesimpossible,the ridingequipmentwill be replacedfree of chargewiththe sameoran equivalentmodel.
The batterywill be replacedfree of chargefor 90 daysfromthe dateof purchaseif defectivein materialorworkmanship(ourtestingprovesthat it will notholda charge).
ThiswarrantycoversONLYdefectsin materialandworkmanship.Searswill NOTpayfor:
•Expendableitemsthatbecomewornduringnormaluse,includingbutnot limitedto blades,sparkplugs,aircleaners,belts,andoil filters.
•Tire replacementor repaircausedby puncturesfromoutsideobjects,suchas nails,thorns,stumps,or glass.
•Tireor wheelreplacementor repairresultingfromnormalwear,accident,orimproperoperationor maintenance.
•Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse,includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby towingobjectsbeyondthe capabilityof the ridingequipment,impactingobjectsthatbendtheframeor crankshaft,or
Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence,includingbut not limitedto,electricalandmechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage,failureto usethe propergradeandamountof engineoil, failureto keepthe deckclearof flammabledebris,orfailureto maintainthe ridingequipmentaccordingto the instructionscontainedin theoperator'smanual.
•Engine(fuelsystem)cleaningor repairscausedbyfuel determinedto becontaminatedoroxidized(stale).In general,fuel shouldbeused within30 daysof itspurchasedate.
•Normaldeteriorationandwearof the exteriorfinishes,or productlabelreplacement.
Thiswarrantyappliesonly whilethisproductis withinthe UnitedStates.
Thiswarrantygivesyou specificlegalrights,andyou mayalso haveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state.
Sears Brands ManagementCorporation, HoffmanEstates, IL 60179
GrossHP: | 28 | Model Number |
EngineOil: | SAE30 | Serial Number |
Fuel: | UnleadedGasoline | Dateof Purchase |
SparkPlug: | Champion® RC12YC | Recordthe modelnumber,serialnumber, |
Engine: | Briggs& StrattonProfessionalSeries | anddateof purchaseabove. |
© KCD IR LLC | 2 |