Craftsman PGT9000, 247.28984 manual Ignition Switch Module, Drive Pedal, Reverse Pedal, Meter LCD

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Foundon yourtractor'srightfender,the decklift leveris usedto changethe height of the cuttingdeck. Touse,movethe lever to the left,then placein the notchbest suitedfor yourapplication.


Tostart theengine,insertthe key into the ignitionswitchand turnclockwise to the STARTposition.Releasethe key intothe NORMALMOWINGMODE positiononcethe enginehas fired.

Tostoptheengine,turnthe ignitionkey counterclockwiseto the STOPposition.

(BladeEngageknob),setparkingbrake,stopengineand remove to preventunintendedstarting.

Priorto operatingthe tractor,referto bothSafetyInterlockSwitches andStartingThe Enginein the Operationsectionof thismanual fordetailedinstructionsregardingthe IgnitionSwitchModuleand [operatngthe tractor n REVERSECAUTON MODE.


Thedrivepedalis locatedon the rightsideof thetractor,alongthe runningboard.Pressthe drivepedalforwardto causethe tractorto travel forward.Groundspeedis alsocontrolledwith thedrive pedal.Thefurtherforwardthe pedalis pivoted,the fasterthe tractorwilltravel.The pedal will returnto itsoriginalpositionwhenit'snot pressed.



The reversepedalis locatedonthe right sideof the


tractoralongthe runningboard. Groundspeedis


alsocontrolledwiththe reversepedal.Thefurther


downwardthe pedalis pivoted,the fasterthe


tractorwill travel.Thepedalwill returnto itsoriginal


positionwhenit'snot pressed.




Whenthe ignitionkeyis




rotatedout of the STOP




positionbut not intothe START








monitordisplaysthe battery's




output,in volts,on its LCDfor










afterwhichit displaysan hour




glassandthe hoursof tractor




operation.Oncethe tractoris




started,the monitorcontinually




displaysan hourglassandthe




hoursof tractoroperationon itsLCD.




NOTE: Hoursof tractoroperationarerecordedanytimethe ignition keyis rotatedout of the STOPposition,regardlessof whetherthe engineis started.

The IndicatorMonitorwillalso remindthe operatorof maintenance intervalsfor changingthe engineoil. The LCDwill alternatelyflash the recordedhours,"CHG"and"OIL.for" fiveminutes,afterevery50 hoursof recordedoperationelapse.The maintenanceintervallasts for two hours(from50-52, 100-102,150-152,etc.). The LCDwill also flashas describedabovefor fiveminuteseverytimethe tractor's enginehasbeenstartedduringthismaintenanceinterval.Beforethe intervalexpires,changethe engineoilas instructedinthe Serviceand Maintenancesectionof thisOperator'sManual.


if the Brakelightilluminateswhenattemptingto start the tractor's engine,depressthe brakepedal.

PTO (Blade Engage)

Ifthe PTOlight illuminateswhenattemptingto startthe tractor's engine,movePTOknobinto thedisengaged(OFF)position.


Itis normalfor the Oillightto illuminatewhile theengineis cranking duringstart-up,but if it illuminatesduringoperation,whilethe engineis running,stopthe tractorimmediatelyandcheckthe engineoil levelas instructedinthis Operator'sManual.


Itis normalfor the Batterylight to illuminatewhilethe engineis crankingduringstart-up,but if it illuminatesduringoperation,whilethe engineis running,the batteryis inneedof a chargeorthe engine's chargingsystemis notgeneratingsufficientamperage.Chargethe batteryas instructedin the Servicesectionof thismanualor havethe chargingsystemcheckedby aSearsor otherqualifiedservicedealer.


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Contents Perator s 5am = 5 pro, Mort =SatDate of Purchase California Proposition General OperationMufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touch Followthe manufacturersrecommendationsfor wheelweightsSlope Operation Do NotSafeHandlingof Gasoline ServiceTowing Safeworkingcondition Do not Modify EngineSpark Arrestor Safety Symbols Read the OperatorsmanualsSlope GuideBacking Tractor SET-UP Moving The Tractor ManuallyChecking Tire Pressure Gas and Oil Setting the Deck Gauge Wheels and RollerPlacethedecklift leverin thedesiredmowingheightsetting Brake Pedal Seat Adjustment LeverThrottle Control Lever Drive Pedal Ignition Switch ModuleSystems Indicator MONITOR/HOUR Reverse PedalParking BRAKE/CRUISE Control Lever Fuel Level IndicatorPTO / Blade Engage Knob EngineStarting the Engine Stopping the EngineDriving the Tractor Avoidsuddenstarts,excessivespeedand suddenstopsDriving on Slopes Reverse Caution ModeEngaging the Parking Brake Setting the Cruise Control Parking BrakeEngaging the PTO Using the Deck Lift LeverMowing Operating the HeadlightsControlsandstoptheengineWaituntilallmovingpartshavecometo Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageallAcompletestop.Disconnectsparkplugwireandgroundit againstthe AirfilterInsert Ratchet Here Cutting Deck RemovalTo removethecuttingdeck, proceedas follows Changing the Deck Belt Changing the Transmission DriveBelt Pulleys Cutting BladesPulley PTO BeltBattery Jump StartingFuse MaintenanceCleaning the Tractor TiresPivot Points & Linkage AdjustmentsFront Wheels Deck SpindleAdjusting the Seat Leveling the Deck Side to Side Steering AdjustmentParking Brake Adjustment Checking the Engine Oil Deck Rear Roller AdjustmentEngine Maintenance Colder 32FChanging the Engine Oil Removethe airfiltercover CoverTo Drainthe Fuel Clean EngineFuel Filter MufflerReconnectthe fuellineand runtheengineuntilit startsto Preparing the EnginePreparing the Garden Tractor TheServiceand Maintenancesection Need Hore HELP? 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