This symbol points out important safety Instructions which, if not followed,couldendangerthe per- sonal safety and/or propertyof yourselfand others. Read and follow ell instructionsin this manuel before attemptingto operateyour lawn mower. Failureto complywith these instructionsmay resultin personal injury.When you see this
| ANnER | manual. As with any type of power equipment,carelessnessor error on the part of the operator |
_D | "'_ | Yourlawn mowerwas builtto be operated according to the rules for safe operation In this |
| "': can resultin seriousinjury.If you violate any of these rules, you may cause serious injury to |
yourse f or others.
This unitis equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnotbe used on or near any unimproved
in the State of Californiathe above isrequiredby law (Section4442 ofthe CaliforniaPublic Resources Code). Other states may have similarlaws. Federal laws applyon federallands. A spark an'esterforthe muffleris availablethroughyournearest Sears AuthorizedServiceCenter (See the REPAIR PARTS section of this manual.)
WARNING: The engineexhaustfrom this productcontainschemicalsknownto the State of Californiato cause cancer,birthdefectsor otherreproductiveharm.
Read this owner'sguide carefullyin itsentirety before attemptingto assemblethis machine. Read, understand,and followall instructionson the machine and in the manual(s)before operation.Be completelyfamiliarWiththe controls and the properuse of thismachine before operatingit. Keep this manualin a safe place for future and regularreference,and for ordering replacement pads.
Your rotarymower is a precisionpieceof power
equipment, nota plaything.Therefore,exercise extreme cautionat elltimes. Your unithasbeen
designedto perform one job:to mow grass.Do not use it for any other purpose.
Never allow childrenunder14 years oldto operate
apower mower.Children14 yearsold and over shouldonlyoperate mower undercloseparental supervision.Only responsibleindividualswho are familiar with these rulesof safe operationshould be allowed to use yourmower.
Keep the area of operationclear of ell persons, particularly small childrenand pets. Stop engine when they ere in the vicinity of your mower to help prevent blade contact or thrown object injury. Although the area of operation shouldbe completely cleared of foreign objects, an object may have been overlooked and couldbe accidentally thrown by the mower in any direction and cause seriouspersonal injury to the operator or any others allowed in the area.
Thoroughlyinspectthe area where the equipment is to be used. Remove all stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys and otherforeign objectswhichcould be pickedup and thrownby the mowerin any directionand cause seriouspersonalinjuryto the operatoror anyothersellowed in the area. Plan yourmowingpatternto avoiddischargeof material towardreads,sidewalks,bystandersend thelike. To helpavoida thrownobject'sinjury,keep children,bystandersand helpers at least 75 feet from the mowerwhileit is in operation.
Alwayswear safety glassesor safetygoggles duringoperationorwhileperformingan adjustment or repair,to protecteyes from foreign objectsthat may be thrownfromthe machinein any direction.
recommended.Do notwear loosefittingclothesor jewelry.They canbe caughtin movingparts.Never operatea unitin barefeet, sandals,slipperyor light weight(e.g. canvas)shoes.
Do not put handsor feet near or underrotating pads. Keep clear ofdischargeopeningat ell times as the rotatingblade cancause injury.
Many injuriesoccuras a resultof the mower being pulledoverthe foot duringa fall. Do not hangon to the mowerifyou are fairing; release the handle immediately.
Never pullthe mowertowardyou while you are walking.If you mustback the mower away from a