............i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | ii | • | i,i |
_,,,,i | N | IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | / I I | |
Problem | ,,,,,,u,, |
| |
| Probable | Cause(s) | ||
, ,,,, |
Cylinder rod will not | A | Broken | driveshaft | |
move | B | Loose | shaft coupling |
C Gear sections damaged
D Damaged relief valve
EHydraulic lines blocked
FToo little oil to pump
GDamaged directional valve
HBlocked directional valve
rii | iiiiiiiiiii, | Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii |
,,,,m | i | == |
Corrective Action
AReturn unit for authorized repair
BCorrect engine/pump alignment as necessary
CReturn unit for authorized repair
D Retum directional valve for authorized repair
EFlush and clean hydraulic system
F Add oil to reservoir
GReturn unit for authorized repair
HFlush and clean hydraulic system; return unit for authorized repair
Slow cylinder shaft speed while
extending and retracting
Engine runs but wood will not split or wood splits too slowly
Engine stalls during sphtting
Engine will not turn or stalJs under tow
toad conditions
Leaking pump shaft seal
AGear sections damaged
BExcessive pump inlet vacuum
CSlow engine speed
D Damaged relief valve
EToo little oil to pump
FAir in oi_
GDirectional valve leaking internally
H.l.nterna.!tydamaged, cylinder
ASmall gear section damaged
BPump check valve leaking
CExcessive pump inlet vacuum
DLow relief valve setting
EToo little oil to pump
FAir in oil
GDirectionaJ valve leaking internally
HOverloaded cylinder
Iinternally damaged cylinder
A L=owhorsepower!weak engine B Overloaded cylinder
A Engine/pump misalignment
BFrozen or seized pump
CLow horsepowerlweak engine
_ Hydraulic lines blocked Blocked directional valve
A Broken driveshaft
BEngine/pump misalignment
CGear sections damaged
DPoody positioned shaft seal
EPlugged oil breather
AReturn unit for authorized repair
BMake certain pump inlet hoses are clear
CReturn unit for authorized repair
DReturn unit for authorized repair
EAdd oil to reservoir
FAdd oil, clean reservoir, make certain oil return tube is below oil level
GReturn unit for authorized repair
HReturn unit for authorized repair
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | _ | .... |
AReturn unit for authorized repair B Return unit for authorized repair
C Make certain pump inlet hoses are
clear and unblocked; use short, large diameter inlet hoses
D Adjust valve while using pressure gauge"
EAdd oil to reservoir
FAdd oil, clean reservoir, make certain oil return tube is below oil level
GReturn unit for authorized repair
HDo not attempt to split wood against the grain I Return unit for authorized repair
A Retum unit for authodzed repair
B uo not attempt to split wood against the grain
A Correct alignment as necessary
B Return unit for authorized repair
CReturn unit for authorized repair D Flush and clean hydraulic system
E Flush and clean hydraulic system; return unit for authorized repair
A Return unit for authorized repair
BCorrect alignment as necessary
CReturn unit for authorized repa=r
DReturn unit for authorized repair
EMake certain reservoir is properly vented
*Should be performedby an authorized SEARS Service Center only.