Sears 917386121 To Start Engine, Mulching Mowing Tips, Gas, Hose catchers off wilh water

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,,Fill fuel tank. Use fresh, clean, regular unteaded gesdiine With a minimum of 87 octan& (Use of leaded gasoline Wit ncreaee carbon and lead oxide deposits

and reduce valve life),, Do not

mix oil

with gasoline.

Purchase fuel Fnquantities that can be

used w thin 30

days tO assure flJel freshness.



WARNING: Experience indicates that alcohol blended fuels (called gasohel or using ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture which Jeads to separation and format!on ot acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an erigtne while in storage. T_oavoid engine problems, the ,fUel system should be emptied before stor- age of 30 days o1: longer. Drain 'th e fue! tank, start the engine and et itrun 'unit fuel nes and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel next season. Sea Storagei!nstruc- lions for additional information, Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products tn fue_ tank or permanent damage may occur.


To start a cold engine push pdmer_t_e (5) times berets trying to'start. Use a firm push, This _tep is not usua!ly necessary when starting an engine which has already run for ate w mtnu es_

Push eng'lnespeed control lever to fast [._) position.

Hold operator presence contro! bar down to the handle and putl starter handle quickly. Do not aflow starter rope to snap back°

. To stop engine, release operat0r pre.sence control bar.

NOTE: In cooler weather It may be necessary to repeat priming steps, In warmerweather over priming maycause flooding and engine will not start, If you do flood engine, wait a few minutes before attempting to start and do not repeat pdmlng step&


Under certain conditions, such as very tallgrass, it may be necessary to raise the height of c;ut to reduce push ng effort and to keep from overloading the engine and leav ng clumps of grass clippings.

For extremely heavy cutting, reduce the wtdih of cut and raise the rear of the lawn mower housing one (1) wh'eetadjL=stersetting higher than the front for better discharge of grass.

For belier grass bagging and mbst Cutting _onditlons,

the engine speed should be set in the fast (.€_) posi- tion.

When using a rear discharge lawn mower in moist, heavy grass, clumps of out grass may not enter the

grass catcher: Reduce ground speed (pushing speed) a nd/or tun the lawn mows rover the area a second lime.,

If a trailer grass cllpplngsls left on ti:teright side of a rear discharge lawn mower, mow in a cl0ckwfse dlrecUon with a small oved&p to collect the clippings on the next

pass; "

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K_ep 'topof engine around Starter, dear and clean of grass clippings and chaff. This wii! help engine air flow and extend engine life


Pores In cloth grass catche(_banbecome filled with dirt

and dust with use

and c'atcherswttl col!ect less gi'ess,


lhfs, regu ally

hose catchers off wilh water

andfet dry









The spec!al mutchlng blade wtti recut'_h§ grass Cllp- pings many times and redqce them in size So that as they fal! onto the lawn Ihe_,iwjfl disperse into'thegrass and not be noticed, Also, the mu!ched grass will blodegrads quickly to provide nutrients for the lawn. Afways muloh with your highestengine' (blade) speed

as this wilt provide lhe :best recuttlng action of the









Hswet, Wetgraastends


to form clumps and interferes with the mulching action,

The best time to mow your lawn iSthe eady Afternoon, At this time the grass hasdded and the newly cut area will notes exposed to the direct s0ri.

For best re,_utts, adjust the IeWli mower cu_Jng height so that the lawn mowe_ cuts elf only the top one;third of the grass blades (See EJg. 8), :If the lawn is overgrown it will be necessary to'rais_the height of cut to reduce pushing effort and to keep from byerloading the engine and leaytngelumps of _ulPhedgrass, For

extremely heavy mulching, red,Jce yoi4t width of cut, mow slowly andTals_ the rea_"of the lawn mower one

wheel adjuster setting hlghe, r thari th=efront.

"Certain types of gras_ ahd grass conditions may re; quire that an area be mulched a rsecond time to comp etely hide lhe clippings When :doing a second cut, mew across or perpend!cular to the first cut path.

Change yourcutttng pattern from week to week, Mow north to soulh one _eek then change tOeast to west the next week. This will help prevent matt ng And grain ng of the lawn.


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Contents This Equipment Model Number 917.386121 Ownersmanual153943 01,22,96 JJ 4lb Safe Operation Practices for Walk-Behind Mowers Maintenance and StorageSafety is Involved Tlheengine exhaust from this product conLimited TWO Year Warranty on Craftsman Power Mower Maintenance AgreementProduct Specifications Customer ResponsibilitiesTABLE..... of Contents IndexLawn Mower Performance Lawn Mower AccessoriesLawn MOWER. Maintenance ENGNEolkCarton AssemblyHowto SET Upyour Lawn Mower LI UPCatcher See Figs, 3A thru AssemblyTo Assemble and Attach Grass TubularKnow Your Lawn Mower Meets Cpsc Safety RequirementsOperation FuelEngine Zone Control HOW to USE Your Lawn MowerOperation Engine Before Starting OILMulching Mowing Tips To Start EngineMowing Tips GASGeneral Recommendations Lubrication ChartCustomer Responsibilities UBRICATtONTires Lawn MowerImportant Blade Bolt is Grade 8 Heattreated To Change Engine OIL See Fig EngineLubrication MufflerRear Deflector Service AdjustmentsLawn Mower To Adjust Cutting Height CarburetorFuel System OtherHandle See Fig Engine oILIJJ ILl Model Number 143o964006 Part Model NumberDescription SpitC!lig DEsqRiPrIot, JPeel NU!W&e Troubleshooting Points CauseService Notes Service Notes FON-pART Ifyou Need Repair Service Or PartsFor Replacement Parts Engine CRAFTSMAN. Model no Part Number Part Description