u i |
Doee not start | 1 | Dirty a!l finer |
| 2 | Out of fuai |
| 3 | S1eiefuel, |
| 4 | Water In fuel |
| 5 | Spark plug wire is d]sconnesled |
| 6 | Bad spark plug |
| 7 | Loose blade or broken bladeadapter |
BConlmf bar _nreleased postUon
9.Control bar detective
Lose of power | 1 | Rear of lawn mower housing/blade dragging |
| in heavy grass, |
| 2 | Cutting too much grass |
| 3 | Dire! air filter, |
| 4 | Butidup of grass, leaves and trash under mawe_ |
| 5 | Too much oil In engine |
| 6. | WatNng speed too tasL |
| l | Worn, bentor loose blade |
| 2 | Whes_ helghls uneven |
| 3, | Low enginespeed |
| 4 | Buildup of gta_,a, leaves, end trash under mower |
| i1,1 |
Excessive vibration | 1 | Worn. bent or loose blade |
| 2 | Bent engine crankshaft |
Starter rope hard to pull | I | Enginettywheei brake leon when control batIs |
| released |
| 2. | Bent engine crankshaft |
| 3, | Blade adapter broken |
| 4, | Blade dragging In grass |
II | IIII | iii | iii | iiii | i | I | ii | iiiiiiii |
1, Clean!replace air titter
2RUfuet _nk,
3Drain la_k and refill with fresh steer} fuel
4Drain fuet f_nk and carburetor and refill tank wtl,hfresh gazelles,
5Connect wire to plug
6Replace spark plug
7Tighten blade boltor replace blade adapter
8, Depress conlrol bar to handle.
9.Replasa controi bar,
1.Set in"Higher Cu_ pesgion
2Sat In*Higher Cur" pesliion 3, C_eanfraplaceair filler
4, C_ean underside of mower housing 5, CheeR oft level
1, Rap!ace blade Tfghten blade bolt
2.Set allwheels at same height
3.Contact an abthodzod set'vicecanter/department
4 Clean underside of mower housing
tReplace blade. Tighten blade boil
2 Contact en authorized sarv{ca eentsddspadment
1, Depress control bar to upper handlebefore puIling strutter rope
2 Contacl an oulhodzed service
3.Replace blade adapter
4Move town mower tocut grass or1o hard sadace to start engine
Grass catcher not filling (If so equlppod )
Hard to push
1 | Cuding | height | tOO_]OWr |
2 | Lift on blade worn off |
3.Catcher eel venting _r
4.Low engIne speed
I, Grass _stoo hlgh or wheel helghl Is loo tow
2, Rear of lawn mower housing/blade dragging in grass
3Grass catcher too full.
4Handle height pasff_ounet right for you
!Raise cutting helghl
2 Replace binds
3 Clead grass catcher.
4 Contact an authQdzed servlcecentar/dopndmant
'l Raise culling height
2Roles rear of lawn mower housing erie (t) setting higher
3, Empty grass catcher.
4 Adjust handle hatghl to null