fliNTS:' | ' | '. .. |
NOTE: Make all adju$tment~ with engine turned off and wire removed ~rom the sparkplug, (Fastenwire to ~Ylinder head ~t t$Q$'t1" Qwayfrom spirkpl\J9.1
tEll aIPlA«MINT .NO.":I;:~":
CAUTION: For belt adjustment the engine :;hQuld be
stopped and tile sPIlrl<p!ugwire 'removed.
Aftl'lfthemac~Jne has been Qperated a short til'l1elt may be riece~ry to re~djust.the idlers for proper bett ,~~n$i()n,
The fOlI6wif19;'st~J>sshould also be carefully f~Jlowed when installii1Y the replacerT)en~b~lts OJ adju$ting belt
FORWARD OR1VE 8ELT':- | :.- |
1, Move the master clutch'~o.nt'rolfQ tpeneutra! p,6sition.
2.Rerno~e the b~It:~~ard t;irac1<~tfor'~&It repla,cement
~nlYAdiust the jdlet~n~)i(T~tep~ Qf 8pproxima'f0!V1/4 inch and mamtilin $Oi1'l:e,~18Ckif) the belt \(\'the :rieutral position. If the b~lt f~jl$ to rele~sePf9perly in ne~tr81 adjust the idler wh~el away fr<lm the beft: After positi9ning the i~ler piJlley relocate the forward belt restrictor lo~at\ng tab In the idler str~p:slot.. AI$o, check theclearancl;'be1ween the belt and thq belt restrictor p!il$ (in the forwardr\.Jnning position), pins should clear belt approximately ;/1&~hen b~'Itguard bracket ISre.iJ1stalledor in piace,
Adjust this belt in a similar manner as the forward drive
belt, bv loQser\rrygthe bolt t'!oldingthe revers!;!idler pulley in pos:ition and movtng it up toward the belt to tj~hten.
!Q c~i?k the ~ttiNgfot' ~he 'propera:mQuntof slack:l'nthe belt move the master cll.!tch control to t/:1efQTwardrunning
p~~itiQn (with the engine stpppedl and position the belt an. to the rim of the idler pulley. Move the 'idlerup with the belt In thiS:po$i~iorr, unti'fthe belt is tight and tlght~h the idler bolt, Then recpO~ttiont~e belt i()the ~enterof the idler
NOTE: The fiat side of the reverse belt shoultj always be 01\ the inside. RetlJl'I"I'theclutch cor\~rol to the !)~utral positron ar\~ c:heck the position of the reverse idj~r b~lt restrlctor. Th;~ :!:f!strictorshould be again~tt~e rever~~belt I:t> allow the:bel~, to only sl.i9b~ly tQuct:t the :e~gine: drive pulley; bt:it, sj'lciUldclear th~ belt w!th th~ riJutch control pulled b~k in rev~rsepositib'n. ,:c ,
fJNE WJDfN ADJUSTMitff:":,:', |
The tine spool a:ssemblie$c:canbJadjusted t9,,11:"of'22"
tiliing wjdth~, Refer to Unpacking ari~ $e~ Up ~ecti()n for de.t'ailsTilling. width up to ~2~';jsitv~llable.'With '~ptional fine extension spoof aS$~mblies.
To ra\~ pr \'ower'thedsp'thbar remove the hair pin cotter and clevis pin and move up or down. The depth bar setting helps control the depth of till ~nd amount of drag re$i$1ing