| CS 2159 |
Engine |
Cylinder volume, cu.in/cm3 | 3,60/5,09 |
Cylinder bore, inch/mm | 1,85/47 |
Stroke, inch/mm | 1,34/34 |
Idle speed, rpm | 2 700 |
Power, kW/ rpm | 3,0/ 9 000 |
Ignition system |
Manufacture | SEM |
Type of ignition system | CD |
Spark plug | NGK BPMR 7A |
Electrode gap, inch/mm | Champion RCJ 7Y |
0,02/0,5 | |
Fuel and lubrication system |
Manufacturer | Walbro |
Carburetor type | HDA 199 |
Fuel capacity, US pint/litre | 1,43/0,68 |
Oil pump capacity at 9000 rpm, ml/ |
min | |
Oil capacity, US pint/litre | 0,80/0,38 |
Type of oil pump | Automatic |
Weight |
Without bar and chain, Lbs/kg | CS 2159: 12,3/5,6 |
| CS 2159 W: 12,6/5,7 |
| CS 2159 WH: 12,6/5,7 |
| CS 2159 C: 12,4/5,6 |
| CS 2159 CW: 12,6/5,7 |
Chain/bar | CS 2159 CWH: 12,6/5,7 |
| |
Standard bar length, inches/cm | 15"/38 |
Recommended bar lengths, |
inches/cm | |
Usable cutting length, inches/cm | |
Chain speed at max. power, m/sec | 20 |
Pitch, inch/mm | 0,325"/8,25 |
Thickness of drive link, inch/mm | 3/8"/9,52 |
0,050"/1,3 | |
| 0,058"/1,5 |
Number of teeth on drive sprocket | 0,063"/1,6 |
7 |
Recommended original and replacement bar and chain combinations
Following is a list of recommended cutting equipment for the Jonsered chain saw model CS 2159. The combinations of powerhead, bar and chain have been investigated in accordance with the kickback and vibration requirements of ANSI B 175.1 – 2000.
The guide bar nose radius is determined by either the maximum number of teeth in the nose sprocket or the corresponding maximum nose radius of a solid bar.
The following list is the chain saw manufacturers recommendations. There may be other combinations available, which will also achieve kickback reduction.
As we are listing the maximum guide bar nose radius, you may use a guide bar with smaller nose radius than in our list. For guide bars of the same length, all
Low kickback saw chain is a chain which has only met the kickback performance requirements of ANSI B 175.1 safety requirements for
Guide bar | Saw chain | ||
Length | Pitch | Max nose | |
inch | inch | radius |
130,325" 10T Jonsered S25 or Oregon 20/21/22BP
150,325" 10T
160,325" 10T
180,325" 10T
150,325" 10T Total/Sabre 528PS, 520PS, 523PS
160,325" 10T
18 | 0,325" | 10T |
15 | 3/8" | 11T | Jonsered S42 or Oregon 72/73/75LP |
16 | 3/8" | 11T |
18 | 3/8" | 11T |
20 | 3/8" | 11T |
15 | 3/8" | 11T | Total/Sabre 988PC, 980PC, 983PC |
16 | 3/8" | 11T |
18 | 3/8" | 11T |
20 | 3/8" | 11T |
Note: For the chains above you are free to choose between 0,050", 0,058" and 0,063" gauge drive link for the corresponding bar, see table below.
0,050" (1,3 mm) | 20BP | 72LP | 520PS | 980PC |
0,058" (1,5 mm) | S25/21BP | S42/73LP | 528PS | 988PC |
0,063" (1,6 mm) | 22BP | 75LP | 523PS | 983PC |
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