Changing the
Hydraulic Fluid
Change the hydraulic fluid after each 150 hours of operation. See the Machine Data Sheet for fluid requirements and capacities of your model. Failure to follow tthese instructions may damage your machine and cause serious personal injury.
Always wear protective gloves when changing hydraulic fluid.
Always wear safety gog- gles when the changing hydraulic fluid.
H8170/H8171 Hydraulic/Electric Log Splitter
To change the hydraulic fluid:
2. With the help of an assistant, tip the splitter back, motor end down, and place a basin under the fill plug to catch the oil as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Draining hydraulic fluid.
3. Remove the oil fill plug. As the fluid drains into the basin, loosen the bleeder screw two full turns.
4. While holding a clean rag over the fill open- ing, tip the splitter upright, motor end up. Have your assistant hold it steady.
5Pour new oil into the fill plug hole. Check the fluid level frequently as you add oil. Fill to until the oil level is between the two grooves on the dipstick, then replace the fill plug and tighten.
Note: Remember to fully tighten the fill plug before removing it to check the fluid level. If you do not, you run the risk of