Krell Industries manual Connecting the KAV-250a to Your System

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be placedas close to the speakersas pos- sible. Runlong balanced interconnect cablesto the amplifier andkeepthe speak- er cable length to a minimum.Speaker cable adds impedanceto the load the amplifier mustdrive, regardless of the

cable'sgaugeAll. Krell amplifierswill drive the lowest impedanceswith ease,but when

impedanceis added due to long cable lengths, amplifier poweris wastedin the cable. Long speaker cables reduce the maximumpowerthat can be delivered to the speakers.


TheKAV-250aamplifier can becomequite warmundernormaloperation. Install the KAV-250ain a location that providesunob- structedventilation.If youplacetheamplifi- er in a closedcabinet,extraventilationsuch as modified shelf spacing maybe neces- sary. In extremeinstances,smallfans help to removingexcess heat from enclosed spacesIn. general,whenthe front andrear of a cabinetis open,the amplifier hasade- quateventilation with twoinchesof clear- ance on each side and eight inches of clearanceaboveandbelow.


Connecting the KAV-250a to Your System


Whenmakingconnections to this compo- nent or any other, makesure the power amplifieris Off andthepreamplifieris in the Muteor Stand-bymodeMake.sure all cable terminationsareof the highestquality, free fromfrayedends,shorts,or coldsolderjoints.

Input andOutputConnections

Topreventthe introductionof humor other noiseinto the system,organizeall wiring betweenthe KAV-250pand other system componentsneatly. SeparateACwires from audiocables.

1.Connectthe cables from your speakers to theoutputterminalsof theamplifier.

TheKAV-250aamplifier utilizes five- waybinding post speakerterminals for the left andright channelsThe.speaker terminalsacceptspadelugs, barewire, bananaplugs, or pins. Theredterminals are usedfor positive connectionsand the blackterminalsareusedfor the neg- ative connections.

2.Connectthe interconnect cables from yourpreamplifierto the inputterminalsof theamplifier.

For best performance,Krell ®recommends usinga dedicatedACpowerline rated at a minimumof fifteen ampswith the KAV-250a amplifier. For maximumpoweroutput, the KAV-250ashould be operatedfrom a dedi- cated twenty ampAC power line. The KAV-250aamplifier shouldonly be operated with the powercordsupplied.Pleaseconsult


yourdealer,distributor,or Krell beforeusing anydevicesdesignedto alter or stabilize the ACpowerfor the KAV-250a.

TheKAV-250aamplifier is equippedwith balancedandsingle-endedinputs. The balancedinputs usethree pin XLRcon- nectorsandthe single-endedinputs use RCAconnectors.Krell ®recommendsthe useof balancedinterconnects.Balanced interconnectsnot onlyhavethe ability to


Page4 of 12 EnglishKRELL KAV-250a

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Contents AVH-eO~ KAV-250a Amplifier CE MarkingUnpacking PlacementIntroduction Connecting the KAV-250a to Your System Linking Multiple Amplifiers TM Ti Multi AmpThroughput MAT KAV-250a Backplateand Connectionsfor Bridged Operatin Amplifier Operation SystemNoise ConsiderationsWarranty ReturnAuthorization Procedure Specifications KAV-250a

KAV-250a specifications

Krell Industries has long been synonymous with high-fidelity audio equipment, and the KAV-250a amplifier stands as a testament to the company's dedication to producing premium sound solutions. This powerful amplifier is engineered to deliver exceptional performance, making it a sought-after component for audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts.

The KAV-250a is a solid-state amplifier, featuring Krell's renowned fully complementary circuit topology. This design principle ensures that both positive and negative signal paths are treated equally, resulting in a cleaner and more precise audio output. With a power rating of 250 watts per channel into 8 ohms, and an impressive 500 watts per channel into 4 ohms, the KAV-250a can easily drive a wide range of loudspeakers, from efficient models to more demanding ones.

One of the standout characteristics of the KAV-250a is its sophisticated power supply. It incorporates a massive toroidal transformer and large reservoir capacitors, which not only enhance dynamic range but also contribute to the amplifier's ability to reproduce transient sounds accurately. This robust power supply design allows for impressive control over the speakers, resulting in tight bass response and a more engaging listening experience.

The KAV-250a also features Krell's proprietary Cast technology, which is designed to minimize distortion and maximize signal fidelity. This balanced differential circuit helps maintain the integrity of the audio signal throughout the amplification process, ensuring that listeners experience music exactly as the artist intended. Additionally, the amplifier is designed with both balanced XLR and single-ended RCA inputs, providing flexible connectivity options for various audio sources.

Thermal management is another key consideration in the KAV-250a's design. The amplifier incorporates a sophisticated heat sink system that efficiently dissipates heat, ensuring reliable performance even during extended listening sessions. This attention to cooling not only protects the internal components but also contributes to the overall longevity of the unit.

In summary, the Krell KAV-250a amplifier embodies the pinnacle of audio innovation and engineering excellence. Its powerful performance, advanced technologies, and high-quality build materials position it as a leading choice for those seeking to enhance their audio system. Whether for critical listening or immersive home theater applications, the KAV-250a delivers an unparalleled audio experience that truly reflects Krell's legacy in high-end audio.