Optional SystemConfigurations
Removingthe cover to reconfigure for MATor for bridged operation is the ONLY instance you are authorized to removethe cover of ANYKrell componentwithout voiding your Warranty.For moreinformation on productlimitations andrestrictions, see Warranty, on page 21.
Before Reconfiguringfor MATor Bridged Operation
Readthe following important safety instructions before youattemptto reconfigureyour amplifier for either MATor bridgedoperation:
1.Unplugthe powercord. Unplugthe ACpower cord (23) from ACpower.
2.Avoidthe powersupply. After removingthe screws(see instructions below) and the cover, locate andstay awareof the location of the powersupply (round, silver structures behindthe amplifier front panel). Avoidmakingcontact with that areaof the amplifier.
3.Removejewelry. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, andother pieces of metal jewelry can conductan electrical charge. Considerremovingthembefore attempting any reconfiguration.
4.Alwaysreplacecover, Makesure the amplifier's cover is properly replaced and securedby all 14 cover screwsbefore resumingoperation.
Operatingthe amplifier without the cover properly replaced andsecuredmay void your warranty.
Multi AmpThroughput(MAT)is an internal connection option for the
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