Before you integrate the KAV-1500into your system,review the following guidelines to choosethe location for the componentThis. will facilitate a clean, trouble-free installation.
The KAV-1500requires at least two inches (5 cm)of clearance on eachside and least two inches (5 cm)of clearance abovethe componentto provide adequate ventilation.
TheKAV-1500doesnot require any type of special rack or cabinet for installation. For the dimensionsof your amplifier see Specifications, on page23.
Place the amplifier as close to the loudspeakersas possible andkeepthe speaker cable length to a minimumSpeaker.cable addsimpedanceto the load the amplifier mustdrive, regardlessof the cable's gauge.Krell amplifiers drive the lowest impedanceswith ease, but long speaker cables reduce the maximumpowerthat is delivered to the loudspeakers.
Krell recommendsoperating eachamplifier from a dedicated 15-ampACpowerline.
For maximumpower output, operate the KAV-1500amplifier from a dedicated 20-amp ACpowerline.