Amplifier Operation
Whenpoweringup your system,turn amplifiers on last. Whenpoweringdownyour system,turn amplifiersoff first. Theproceduresfor amplifieroperationfollow.
1.Pressthe powerbutton (1) on the
2.Withthe outputdevicemutedor volumecontrol fully lowered,select an output device.Decreaseor increasethe volumecontrol to the desiredlistening level.
3.Beforeturningthe systemoff, muteor lowerthe outputdevicevolume.Pressthe front panelpowerbutton(1) to turn theamplifieroff. It is nowsafeto turn off therest of the system.
Alwaystumoff the amplifier beforechanginginput connections,andmuteor fully attenuatethe preamplifier/eve/whenswitchingsources.
Troubleshooting SystemNoise
Whenyou mix and
1.Checkthat all input andoutputconnectionsareof soundconstruction.
2.Withthe amplifieroff, removethe interconnectcables,thenturn the amplifieron. If the humdisappears,turn the amplifieroff andreinsert oneof the interconnect cables.Turnthe amplifier backon. Repeatthis processfor eachcable.
3.If the humreappearswith oneor bothinterconnectcablesreinserted,the cable needsto be replaced.
4.If the interconnectcablesare sound,youmaybe experiencinga groundloop. PleasecontactyourauthorizedKrell dealer,distributor, or Krell for suggestions howto eliminateit.
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