Basic Reminders About Your AeroGarden
AeroGarden PRO200 Control Panel
• Water Low
When light blinks add water up to “Fill To Here.”
• Lights On/Off
Use to occasionally override
• Add Nutrient
(Feed Garden - Basic Feeding)
When “Add Nutrient” and “Water Low” lights start blinking (every
2 weeks), add 2 nutrient tablets* and fill the Bowl with water up to “Fill to Here.” Press and release “Reset” button to restart nutrient timer and turn off blinking lights.
*See Tending & Harvesting Guide for
• Replace Grow Bulbs*
When light blinks (after 6 months of use), it is time to replace Deluxe Grow Bulbs. Bulbs can be ordered at www.aerogardensupport.com or from your retailer. After replac- ing Deluxe Grow Bulbs, press “Reset” button to restart grow bulb timer and turn off flashing light.
NOTE: If you store your AeroGarden PRO200 between uses, grow bulb timer automatically stops when PRO200 is unplugged.
*See complete replacement instructions on next page.
• Adaptive Intelligence
The green light tracks garden growth from germination through maturity. AeroGarden PRO200 automatically adjusts the amount of light and water plants receive to provide op- timal growing conditions for every stage of a plant’s life.
NOTE: The time of day your lights turn off may change as your Garden matures.
•Remove Bio-Domes
When plants appear through hole in Seed Pod Labels, remove
NOTE: Never remove Seed Pod Labels.