SION TMITA ILD NA SON ITP EEXC 4:ON ITC ES | following:the fromresulting defectsto inapplicablebe shallwarranty This | rust,moisture, abrasives,dirt, fuel,stale gincludin neglect,and negligencemisuse, abuse,(1)Accident, | habits;use orage storincorrect todue reactionadverse anyor corrosion, | -instruc ormanual s/Operator’sOwner’ thewith accordancein unitthe Husqvarna; maintain y b oroperate furnished to(2)Failure sheettion | -per applicable product’sthe anywith ects comply affor product tofail the toproduct ofuse the intendedthe causesor changethat durability,or tions safety, camodifi operation, or(3)Alterations formance, | :or laws; | .above theof anyafter ingoccurr usecontinued todue componentsor partsto damage(4)Additional | OF IAL EXCEPT -MERCHANTABIL DY CONSEQUENT REMEEXCLUSIVE OR TSPRODUC OF THE INCIDENTAL THESE WARRANTY ISWARRANTY ANY ONWARRANTY IMPLIED THIS FOR IMPLIED ANY UNDER LIABLEBE .LAW NOT OR APPLICABLE PROVIDED ALL EXPRESS AS SHHUSQVARNA ANYOF BYPROHIBITED REPLACEMENT . BREACH OR ERCHAS FOR EXTENT REPAIR PUR DAMAGES THE THE TO | TODURATION INLIMITED ISPRODUCTS THESEON PURPOSEARTICULAR PA FORESS FITNOR ITY | -RE HUSQVARNA.STATEMENT WARRANTYD LIMITETHE INDEFINED ASD PERIOWARRANTY THE | TICE,NO WITHOUTPRODUCT THEOF DESIGNTHE IMPROVEOR CHANGETO RIGHTTHE SERVES | .UCTS PRODMANUFACTURED PREVIOUSLYUPDATE TOON OBLIGATIASSUME NOTDOES AND | longhow onlimitations ordamages, consequentialor incidentalof exclusionthe allownot dostates Some | giveswarranty toapply notmay xclusionseor limitationsabove theso lasts,warranty impliedan | .state tostate fromvary whichrights otherve haalso mayyou andrights, legalcspecifi you | SIE ITILIB SON PSE RR EMO TSU C5: ONITC ES | ittenwr asupkeep generaland storageoperation, maintenance,care, reasonableexhibit mustproduct The | occur,failure orproblem operationalan Should.manual Owner’s/Operator’sthe ofsection maintenancethe in | Proof.evaluation fordealer Husqvarnaauthorized anto isas deliveredtbu used,be notshould productthe | .customer thewith solelyrests 6,section inexplained aspurchase, of | IONTA REID SCON YTN ARR AW INTA BO TOER UDE OCRP 6:ON ITC ES | properlyis CardRegistration Warrantythe thatcertain emak toresponsibility Dealer’sand Owner’sthe isIt | days(10) tenwithin mailedbe shouldcard This.Company Garden& ForestHusqvarna tomailed andout lledfi | .service sale-post facilitateto andwarranty therm confito orderin purchaseof datethe from | .items displayand toolschains, andbarsincludingaccessoriesparts,ReplacementWarranty:Day30 | -ser address warrantyobtain andname to complete orderin and dealerHusqvarna number,serial authorizedthe number,model topresented purchased,date beust include mpurchase must . of proofThis dealerselling Proof . the vice of | -au anto deliveredbe mustfective debe tobelieved productthe warranty,this oftbenefi theobtain To | operational arecharges the delivery ofdate and from up days -Pick (30) .expense thirtythan owner’s laterno theat manner,timely deliveredbe ain mustproduct dealer e Husqvarna Th. failureor thorized problem | “Yellowthe throughlocated normallybe candealer Husqvarnaauthorized An.warranty thisby coverednot | .area yourin dealera forHUSKY62 -800 -1calling byor directorytelephone localthe ofPages” | ANR AVQ SUH | adoR lletatesvi S7349 | 28269C Ne, arlotthC | 2002 23-81 83531 |
YTNARRWADEMITLI1:ONICETS | -pur originalthe toproduct Husqvarnawarrants(“Husqvarna”) CompanyGarden&orestFHusqvarna | “Warrantythe forpurchase ofte dathe fromworkmanshipandmaterialindefectsfromfreebetochaser | below:forthsetasproducttheofPeriod” | Warranty:Lifetimeprodheld | Behinds)-Walk CommercialdanRidersTurnZero(onSpindlesty:WarranYear3 | areawide ers,rid turnzero —Equipment TurfCommercialHusqvarnaarranty:W-COMMERCIALearY2 | .equipmentcommercialingengaggroundandwalks, | tractors, handheld for . garden systems stated and blowers,snow ncollectio hereinas yard saws, assist except mowers,lawn clearing -power use,producing RidingCOMMERCIAL brushcutters, andproducts nonincomenoninstitutional Mower,AutomaticWarranty:-NONYear2trimmers,saws,chaintillers,mowers,behindwalk electricaltrimmers,hedgeblowers,backpackblowers, orsional,nonprofescial,mercomnon | regulations,EPA andII -TIER -CARB withcomplynecessarycomponentsEmission tosystemcontrol | -manu engineparty thirdby manufacturedsystemscomponents engineofpartarewhichthoseforexcept | atsupplied ormationinf tproduc withwarranty ateseparareceivedhaspurchaserthewhichforfacturers | .purchaseoftime | -pro -non commercial,-non forsaws poleand prunerspolegrinder,stumpcutters,PowerWarranty:Year1 | -hover saws,clearing brushcutters,trimmers, All.useproducingincome-nonorinstitutional-nonfessional, | collectionassist . - useor powertrimmers, purposesproducing hedgeblowers, incomeinstitutional,commercial, heldhandblowers,kpackbacedgers,sticktrimmers,ing oressionalprofforusedsystems | .months 6rst fithe duringreplacement 100%withwarrantylimitedproratedyearonehaveBatteries -a | -prun polesaws, polegrinders, stumpcutters, powersaws,ChainMower,AutomaticWarranty:Day90 | anyor equipmentturf commercialand mowersbehind-walk600&580seriesmodelthrowers,snowers, | useor purposesproducing incomeor professional,institutional,commercial,forusedproductHusqvarna | .hereinprovidedotherwiseasexcept | purchase -Prod original .warranty customer’s under the coverednot ofdate isabuse thefromwarrantycarriesApparelSafetyHusqv ortearNormalworkmanshipmaterialdefects day-90aarnawear,.andinfor | mustinstructions maintenanceand careAll .formwarrantyCharlottereturned claimawithtobemustuct | notis apparel/bootprotective theof tfiThe .labelmanufacturerfollowed caretheonthebystatedasbe | .warrantyundercovered | YTN ARR AW EHT RED NU SONTIAIGLOB’SANRAQVUHS2:ONCETS I | componenta ifbor laor partsfor .period chargewithoutcomponentsHusqvarna warrantytheworkmanship defectivereplaceorrepairwill duringormaterialindefectofabecausefails | YTN ARR AW ISHTCOVOTMSON YBDREENITE3:ICETS | warranty:thisybcoverednotareitemsfollowingThe | butincluding, sawsprings, use,regular rewindlubricants, normalthrough bars,guide wornbecomewhichitemsmaintenancecustomer(1)Normal lters,fibulbs,adapters,bladeblades,belts,to,limitednot | tines;andropesstarterplugs,sparkchain, | respectivethe bycovered areitems ultravilight;dueolettomaterialofdiscoloration(2)Natural theseHusqvarna;byufacturedmannotsystemsdriveand(3)Engine | -pur oftime theat suppliedinformation productthewithwritinginprovidedaswarrantymanufacturer’s | -war regulations forclaims EPA allwarranty, and a II-TIER gives -CARB manufacturer;appropriate whichpartyattachments(4)Lawn manufacturer; withcomplynecessarycomponents(5)Emission .manufacturermanufactured thetosentbestmuclaimsallchase; thirdbyacoveredaregardenand andthetosentbeshouldranty toSystemControl enginepartythirdbyarewhich |