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Canon 1100D, 5157B002, 5161B039 manual 135

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MF: Focusing Manually

You can magnify the image and focus precisely manually.


Set the lens focus mode switch to




Turn the lens focusing ring to focus



2 Move the magnifying frame.


Press the <S> key to move the


magnifying frame to the position


where you want to focus.


To return the magnifying frame to the

Magnifying frame

center, press <0>. (If C.Fn-8 has

been set, press <O> + <0>.)


3 Magnify the image.


ress the <u> button.


X The area within the magnifying frame


will be magnified.


Each time you press the <u> button,


the view will change as follows:


5x 10x Normal view

AE lock

Magnified area position Magnification



Focus manually.

While looking at the magnified image, turn the lens focusing ring to focus. After achieving focus, press the <u> button to return to the normal view.

Take the picture.

Check the focus and exposure, then press the shutter button to take the picture (p.122).



