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Samsung SP-L300 SPL300WVX/EN, SPL300WVX/XT, SPL300WX/EN, SPL300WX/XY Service Center, Service Center, Keep the product out of children’s reach, Place the product on the ground carefully

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￿If the product falls it may harm children. Install on a flat and stable location as the front part is heavy.

In case of thunder/lightning, disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet.

￿There is a danger of electric shock or fire.

Make sure the product's vents are not blocked by a table cloth or curtain.

￿An increase in the internal temperature may cause a fire.

Place the product on the ground carefully.

￿Doing so may cause damage or injury.

Do not drop the product while carrying it.

￿Doing so may cause damage or injury.

Keep the product out of children’s reach.

￿If the product falls it may cause harm to children. Install on a flat and stable location as the front part is heavy.

Power Related Installation Related Cleaning and Use Related

Do not insert any metal objects such as a fork, chopsticks, wires, gimlets, or inflammable objects such as paper into the vents, the PC/COMPOSITE port, the Power port or the Battery port.

￿This may cause electric shock or fire.

If water or an alien substance enters the product, turn the product off, disconnect the power cord from a wall outlet and contact a Service Center.

Do not disassemble, or attempt to fix or modify the product.

￿When the product requires repairs, contact a Service Center.

Do not use or keep the product near flammable sprays or other such substances.

