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Samsung SSA-M1000 SSA-M1000/EXP CARD HOLDER BATCH TRANSMIT BY DEVICE, device management, 106_ device management

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device management


Card holder’s information searched from the database or created in serial can be transmitted to each device in a batch.

1.From the upper menu, select [Device Management] > [Card Holder Batch Transmit by Device].

2.Select the [Card Holder Batch Transmission] tab.

3.Select the destination device in the [Device List].

4.Select either one option of [Search Condition]. [Send cardholders that are searched on database.] option displays searched card holder information from the database matching to the search conditions specified. [Send cardholders access to the selected device.] option searches and transmits card holder information according to the group accessing permissions to which the card holder belongs regardless of the search conditions.

5.Mark or unmark card holders displayed in the [Card Holder List] for the transmission.

6.Click Transmit button < > in the toolbar to send the configuration to the device.

JTo confirm the data transmission and its result, run the [Monitoring] > [Integrated Monitoring] from the toolbar before clicking the transmit button. The data transmission result of each item will be displayed in the [Auditing Log] window of the integrated monitoring screen.

7.If issued card number is generated in series, you can register or transmit the card information to a device in a batch even when the card itself is not registered in Card Holder Management.

106_ device management

